ℹ️ You will run this lab in your own AWS account and running this lab will incur some costs. Please follow directions at the end of the lab to remove resources to avoid future costs.
AWS Clean Rooms helps customers and their partners more easily and securely collaborate and analyze their collective datasets - without sharing or copying one another's underlying data. In this lab, we'll explore how to use AWS Clean Rooms to share data sets between two collaborating parties in different accounts to run join and aggregate queries without compromising the underlying PII and sensitive data.
In order to explore the data with Amazon Athena and Apache Spark, we'll create the following architecture.
Before you start, there are a few things you should know:
- The resources created in this lab will have some costs associated with them.
- You will need an IAM user or role with appropriate permissions to execute this lab. This includes permissions to create the resources defined in the CloudFormation template, as well as the manual activities performed through the AWS Management Console.
- This lab does not rely on AWS Lake Formation for Glue catalog permissions; however, if Lake Formation is configured for the account, you will need to ensure the S3 bucket used for Clean Rooms is not managed by AWS Lake Formation.
For this workshop, you will need two AWS accounts - one to represent the Insurance company and another for the Advertising company.
1.1. Login to your Insurance account.
1.2. Download the CloudFormation template file here. This template will create the following in your account:
- S3Bucket - -cleanroomslab-insurancedata - this bucket will be used to hold our Insurance data.
- IAM Role - -InsGlueExecutionRole - this role will be used by AWS Glue to crawl the dataset.
- Glue Catalog Database - InsuranceDatabase - this database will hold the metadata for our data.
- Glue Crawler - -cleanroomslab-ins-crawler - this will create the table metadata in the AWS Glue data catalog.
- IAM Role - -InsCleanRoomsServiceRole - this IAM role will be used by CleanRooms.
1.3. Log into your AWS Management Console, and navigate to AWS CloudFormation.
1.4. Click Create stack, then select With new resources (standard)
1.5. Select Upload a template file, then browse to the insurance-resources.json file and click Next.
1.6. Enter cleanroomslabins
as the Stack name and click Next.
1.7. On the Configure stack options page, leave the default values and click Next.
1.8. On the final page, scroll to the end and mark the checkbox next to I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names., then click Submit.
1.9. Wait until the stack has completed successfully.
2.1. Navigate to Cloud Shell in the AWS Management Console.
2.2. Execute the following statements.
accountid=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)
aws s3 cp s3://ws-assets-prod-iad-r-syd-b04c62a5f16f7b2e/d358030d-c47c-4c04-a580-bbe16e91ea74/v1_0/customers.csv ./customers.csv
aws s3 cp s3://ws-assets-prod-iad-r-syd-b04c62a5f16f7b2e/d358030d-c47c-4c04-a580-bbe16e91ea74/v1_0/policies.csv ./policies.csv
aws s3 cp customers.csv s3://$accountid-cleanroomslabins-insdata/data/customers/customers.csv
aws s3 cp policies.csv s3://$accountid-cleanroomslabins-insdata/data/policies/policies.csv
2.3. Navigate to AWS Glue in the AWS Management Console.
2.4. Select Crawlers in the natigation pane, and select the -cleanroomslabins-ins-crawler.
2.5. Click Run, and wait for the crawler to complete - the state with be either Ready or Stopping. Note that 2 tables should have been added to the Glue Data Catalog.
3.1. Navigate to AWS Clean Rooms
3.2. Click Create collaboration
3.3. Enter the following collaboration details and click Next
Field | Values |
Name | Insurance-Advertiser-Collaboration |
Description | Insurance Advertiser Collaboration |
Member 1: Member display name | Insurance Company |
Member 2: Member display name | Advertising Company |
Member 2: Member AWS Account | AWS Account Id of Advertising Company |
Member Abilities: Member who can query and receive results | Account Id of the Advertising company |
Query logging: Support query logging in this collaboration | check |
3.4. In Configure membership, turn on Query Logging and leave other configrations as default
3.5. Click Next
3.6. Leave Yes, join by creating membership now selected, then turn on Query logging and click Next.
3.7 select Create collaboration and membership
Each configured table represents a reference to an existing table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog and data stored in Amazon S3 that has been configured for use in AWS Clean Rooms. A configured table contains an analysis rule that determines how the data can be used in AWS Clean Rooms queries.
4.1. Click on Configured tables in the Clean Rooms navigation pane.
4.2. Click Configure new table
4.3. Select insurancedatabase and table customers
4.4. In Columns allowed in collaborations, select All columns and click Configure new table
4.5. Repeat the steps above for policies table
5.1. Navigate to Configured Tables and select customers
5.2. Select Configure analysis rule
5.3. Select List as Analysis Rule Type and click Next
5.4. Choose c_name as for the Join controls columns
5.5. Under List controls, select the following columns:
- c_age
- c_city
- c_country
- c_customer_id
- c_gender
- c_postcode
- c_state
5.6. Click Next, then Configure analysis rule
6.1. Navigate to Configured Tables and select policies
6.2. Click Configure analysis rule
6.3. Leave Aggregation selected, and click Next
6.4. For the Aggregate function, choose AVG, and select the following columns:
- accidentyearbasicincurredamount
- accidentyearexcessincurredamount
- accidentyeartotalincurredamount
6.5. Under Join controls, select Yes under Allow table to be queried by itself.
6.6. Select c_customer_id under Specify join columns - optional
6.7. Under Dimension controls - optional, select lineofbusiness.
6.8. Select Next.
6.9. Under Aggregation constraints, select accidentyearbasicincurredamount and enter a value of 100.
6.10. Click Next, then Configure analysis rule.
7.1. Navigate to Configured tables, select the customers table and click Associate to collaboration.
7.2. Select the Insurance-Advertiser-Collaboration and click Choose collaboration.
7.3. Under Service access, select Use an existing service role, and select the -InsCleanRoomsServiceRole
7.4. Click Associate table.
7.5. Repeat for the policies table.
8.1. Log into the Advertising account.
8.2. Download the CloudFormation template file here. This template will create the following in your account:
- S3Bucket - -cleanroomslabadv-advertisingdata - this bucket will be used to hold our Insurance data.
- S3Bucket - -cleanroomslabadv-queryresults - this bucket will be used to hold our Insurance data.
- IAM Role - -AdvGlueExecutionRole - this role will be used by AWS Glue to crawl the dataset.
- Glue Catalog Database - advertisingdatabase - this database will hold the metadata for our data.
- Glue Crawler - -cleanroomslab-adv-crawler - this will create the table metadata in the AWS Glue data catalog.
- IAM Role - -AdvCleanRoomsServiceRole - this IAM role will be used by CleanRooms.
8.3. Navigate to AWS CloudFormation in the AWS Management Account.
8.4. Click Create stack, then select With new resources (standard)
8.5. Select Upload a template file, then browse to the adverising-resources.json file and click Next.
8.6. Enter cleanroomslabadv
as the Stack name and click Next.
8.7. On the Configure stack options page, leave the default values and click Next.
8.8. On the final page, scroll to the end and mark the checkbox next to I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names., then click Submit.
8.9. Wait until the stack has completed successfully.
8.10. Navigate to CloudShell in the AWS Management Console, and execute the following statements
accountid=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)
aws s3 cp s3://ws-assets-prod-iad-r-syd-b04c62a5f16f7b2e/d358030d-c47c-4c04-a580-bbe16e91ea74/v1_0/ad_impressions.csv ./adimpressions.csv
aws s3 cp adimpressions.csv s3://$accountid-cleanroomslabadv-advertisingdata/data/adimpressions/adimpressions.csv
8.11. Navigate to AWS Glue in the AWS Management Console.
8.12. Select Crawlers in the natigation pane, and select the cleanroomslabadv-adv-crawler.
8.13. Click Run, and wait for the crawler to complete - the state with be either Ready or Stopping. Note that 1 table should have been added to the Glue Data Catalog.
9.1. Navigate to AWS Clean Rooms, and select Collaborations from the navigation pane.
9.2. Click on the Available to join tab.
9.3. Select Insurance-Advertiser-Collaboration
9.4. Review the collaboration details, and click Create membership
9.5. Make sure you turn on Query logging and Create Membership
10.1. Navigate to the Configured tables, and click Configure new table
10.2. Select advertisingdatabase database and the adimpressions table.
10.3. In Columns allowed in collaborations, select All columns and click Configure new table
11.1. Click Configure analysis rule
11.2. Select List as Type and click Next
11.3. Choose c_name as Join Columns
11.4. Click Next and Configure analysis rule
12.1. On the adimpresssions table, click Associate to collaboration.
12.2. Select the Insurance-Advertiser-Collaboration and click Choose collaboration.
12.3. Under Service access, select Use an existing service role.
12.4. Under Existing service role name, select the -AdvCleanRoomsServiceRole in the dropdown.
12.5. Click Associate table.
13.1. Navigate to collaborations, and click on the Insurance-Advertiser-Collaboration collaboration.
13.2. Under Tables, you should be able to see the tables you're able to query.
13.3. Under the Actions dropdown, click Set result settings.
13.4. Browse and select the bucket ending with -queryresults.
13.5. Leave the format as CSV and click Save changes.
13.6. Execute the following query:
SELECT AVG("policies"."accidentyearbasicincurredamount"),
FROM "policies"
GROUP BY "policies"."lineofbusiness"
This may take a several minutes as the query engine initiates after a cold start. Subsequent queries should be quicker.
13.7. Execute the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT "customers"."c_age",
FROM "customers"
INNER JOIN "adimpressions"
ON "customers"."c_name" = "adimpressions".c_name
To clean up the resources created here, complete the following.
- Delete all files from the -insurancedata and -advdata S3 buckets.
- Delete the AWS Clean Rooms collaboration.
- Delete the CloudFormation templates in both accounts.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.