They're zany to the max!
Yakko Wakko Dotfiles (YWD) is an opinionated set of dotfiles carefully put together with a few things in mind.
- Terminal, Terminal, Terminal
- Designed from scratch and highly optimized for the terminal. Stay where you play.
- Lots of plugins + lazy-loading == awesome
- Yes, it's possible to have an acceptably speedy development experience with a crap-ton of plugins.
- YWD is continuously updated with the latest and greatest tools to aid efficiency.
- We try not to duplicate or break existing functionality unless it makes sense for efficiency and/or RSI-reduction purposes.
- Sane defaults++
- Contains configuration for the following language-agnostic tools:
- Neovim
- Tmux
- ZSH (built on a prezto base)
- Git
- Contains configuration for the following language-agnostic tools:
- Extendable
- Want to add your own plugins? Not happy with some of the defaults? It's all easy to change.
- Supports OS X and Linux
- OS X
- Easily install my favorite OS X hacks (WARNING: You must understand what all of these are before installing! Check the comments.)
- Linux
- OS X
- Remap Caps Lock to Control.
...because it is "literally the future of vim".
See the README for a list of plugins, bindings, etc.
Thanks to the following projects for heavy inspiration:
- skwp/dotfiles (provided VERY heavy inspiration)
- martin-svk/dot-files