A Golang library that lets you get achievement, user, game data and more from RetroAchievements.
Use go get to install the latest version of the library.
go get github.com/joshraphael/go-retroachievements@latest
Then include it in your application:
import "github.com/joshraphael/go-retroachievements"
import "github.com/joshraphael/go-retroachievements/models"
Construct a new Retro Achievement client using your personal web API key
client := retroachievements.NewClient("<your web API key>")
you can now use the client to call any of the available endpoints, for example:
profile, err := client.GetUserProfile(models.GetUserProfileParameters{
Username: "jamiras",
Check out the examples directory for how to call each endpoint, as well as our GoDocs
For convenience, the API docs and examples can be found in the tables below
Function | Description | Links |
GetUserProfile() |
Get a user's basic profile information. | docs | example |
GetUserRecentAchievements() |
Get a list of achievements recently earned by the user. | docs | example |
GetAchievementsEarnedBetween() |
Get a list of achievements earned by a user between two dates. | docs | example |
GetAchievementsEarnedOnDay() |
Get a list of achievements earned by a user on a given date. | docs | example |
GetGameInfoAndUserProgress() |
Get metadata about a game as well as a user's progress on that game. | docs | example |
GetUserCompletionProgress() |
Get metadata about all the user's played games and any awards associated with them. | docs | example |
GetUserAwards() |
Get a list of a user's site awards/badges. | docs | example |
GetUserClaims() |
Get a list of set development claims made over the lifetime of a user. | docs | example |
GetUserGameRankAndScore() |
Get metadata about how a user has performed on a given game. | docs | example |
GetUserPoints() |
Get a user's total hardcore and softcore points. | docs | example |
GetUserProgress() |
Get a user's progress on a list of specified games. | docs | example |
GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames() |
Get a list of games a user has recently played. | docs | example |
GetUserSummary() |
Get a user's profile metadata. | docs | example |
GetUserCompletedGames() |
[Deprecated] Get hardcore and softcore completion metadata about games a user has played. | docs | example |
GetUserWantToPlayList() |
Get a user's "Want to Play Games" list. | docs | example |
Function | Description | Links |
GetGame() |
Get basic metadata about a game. | docs | example |
GetGameExtended() |
Get extended metadata about a game. | docs | example |
GetGameHashes() |
Get the hashes linked to a game. | docs | example |
GetAchievementCount() |
Get the list of achievement IDs for a game. | docs | example |
GetAchievementDistribution() |
Gets how many players have unlocked how many achievements for a game. | docs | example |
GetGameRankAndScore() |
Gets metadata about either the latest masters for a game, or the highest points earners for a game. | docs | example |
Function | Description | Links |
GetGameLeaderboards() |
Gets a given games's list of leaderboards. | docs | example |
GetLeaderboardEntries() |
Gets a given leadboard's entries. | docs | example |
Function | Description | Links |
GetConsoleIDs() |
Gets the complete list of all system ID and name pairs on the site. | docs | example |
GetGameList() |
Gets the complete list of games for a specified console on the site. | docs | example |
Function | Description | Links |
GetAchievementUnlocks() |
Gets a list of users who have earned an achievement. | docs | example |
Function | Description | Links |
GetComments() |
Gets comments of a specified kind: game, achievement, or user. | docs | example |
Function | Description | Links |
GetRecentGameAwards() |
Gets all recently granted game awards across the site's userbase. | docs | example |
GetActiveClaims() |
Gets information about all active set claims (max: 1000). | docs | example |
GetClaims() |
Gets information about all achievement set development claims of a specified kind: completed, dropped, or expired (max: 1000). | docs | example |
GetTopTenUsers() |
Gets the current top ten users, ranked by hardcore points, on the site. | docs | example |
Function | Description | Links |
GetAchievementOfTheWeek() |
Gets comprehensive metadata about the current Achievement of the Week. | docs | example |
Function | Description | Links |
GetTicketByID() |
Gets ticket metadata information about a single achievement ticket, targeted by its ticket ID. | docs | example |
GetMostTicketedGames() |
Gets the games on the site with the highest count of opened achievement tickets. | docs | example |
GetMostRecentTickets() |
Gets ticket metadata information about the latest opened achievement tickets on RetroAchievements. | docs | example |
GetGameTicketStats() |
Gets ticket stats for a game, targeted by that game's unique ID. | docs | example |
GetDeveloperTicketStats() |
Gets ticket stats for a developer, targeted by that developer's site username. | docs | example |
GetAchievementTicketStats() |
Gets ticket stats for an achievement, targeted by that achievement's unique ID. | docs | example |