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Installs OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin with a small number of initial users for the purposes of demonstrating LDAP integration capabilities of ICP.


To install the chart, you'll need the helm cli and the IBM Cloud Private CLI. Note: the IBM Cloud Private CLI version level must match the version level that is downloadable via your ICP console, under Menu > Command Line Tools > Cloud Private CLI.

  1. Get the source code of the helm chart git clone
  2. Package the helm chart using the helm cli helm package icp-openldap
  3. If you have not, log in to your cluster from the IBM® Cloud Private CLI and log in to the Docker private image registry. bx pr login -a https://<cluster_CA_domain>:8443 --skip-ssl-validation Where cluster_CA_domain is the certificate authority (CA) domain. If you did not specify a CA domain, the default value is mycluster.icp.
  4. Install the Helm chart bx pr load-helm-chart --archive <helm_chart_archive> [--clustername <cluster_CA_domain>] Where helm_chart_archive is the name of your compressed Helm chart file and <cluster_CA_domain> is the certificate authority (CA) domain.
  5. Update the package repository by using the IBM® Cloud Private cluster management console.
    1. From the IBM® Cloud Private management console, click Menu > Manage > Helm Repositories.
    2. Click Sync Repositories.
    3. In the upper right hand corner of the screen click Catalog The new Helm charts load into the Catalog, and you can install them into your cluster.


Kubernetes Assets in this chart.


see details in official site

default values below

  Image: ""
  ImageTag: "1.1.10"
  ImagePullPolicy: "Always"
  Component: "openldap"

  InitImage: ""
  InitImageTag: "1.30.1"
  InitImagePullPolicy: "Always"

  Replicas: 1

  Cpu: "512m"
  Memory: "200Mi"

  Domain: ""
  AdminPassword: "admin"
  Https: "false"
    usergroup: "icpusers"
    userlist: "user1,user2,user3,user4"
    initialPassword: "ChangeMe"

phpLDAPadmin LDAP admin UI

see details in official site

default values below

  Image: ""
  ImageTag: "0.7.0"
  ImagePullPolicy: "Always"
  Component: "phpadmin"

  Replicas: 1

  NodePort: 31080

  Cpu: "512m"
  Memory: "200Mi"

Setup IBM Cloud Private LDAP integration

Detailed information about LDAP support in ICP avilable on the IBM KnowledgeCenter

After the chart is deployed, follow these steps to setup LDAP authentication

  1. From the helm release page take note of the OpenLDAP cluster ip and port for your deployment

  2. Navigate to Manage > Authentication and insert the following details

    LDAP Connection

    • Name: ldap
    • Type: Custom
    • URL: ldap://<cluster-ip>:389

    LDAP authentication

    • Base DN: dc=local,dc=io (default value, adjust as needed)
    • Bind DN: cn=admin,dc=local,dc=io (default value, adjust as needed)
    • Admin Password: admin (default value, adjust as needed)

    LDAP Filters

    • Group filter: (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames))
    • User filter: (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=person))
    • Group ID map: *:cn
    • User ID map: *:uid
    • Group member ID map: groupOfUniqueNames:uniquemember

    Click Save

  3. Add users or groups to teams by navigating to Manage > Teams

    • Click Create team
    • Search group or user names to add, and select appropriate roles for each


Inspired by work done by the Samsung Cloud Native Computing Team .


Helm chart for installing openldap on ICP






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