Might need to add C, C++, CUDA gitignores
To use Numba:
conda activate py36_torch
To test kernel performance:
sudo env PATH="$PATH" nvprof -s ./timing.py
To test CPU <-> GPU correctness:
Good debugging commands (PDB):
pos, goals, field = gpuenv.state.copy_gpu_data()
Kernel Versions:
- Step
- Thread/Block Implementation (archived in old_kernels_4.py)
- Kernel
- (this one is not that interesting) Thread/Block Implementation with local caching (archived as kernel1 in old_kernels_4.py)
- Thread/Block Implementation (archived as kernel2 in old_kernels_4.py)
- Thread/Block Implementation with smart sorting (doing rn)
Field is 1000 by 1000 n_agents is 5000