Classical Music Generator
For this project, we will use Python3.7
, managing the necessary Python packages using
Pipenv: Python Dev Workflow for Humans.
You can install it following the steps shown at their installation section.
To install the requirements listed in the Pipfile, run:
$ pipenv install
To add a new package to the project:
$ pipenv install <package>
To activate the python shell, run the following command, which will spawn a new shell subprocess, which can be deactivated by using exit
$ pipenv shell
First of all, to work with this project, we are going to need a Environment variable pointing to our root. E.g. if our project is at /home/projects/bachpropagation, just add to your`favorite bash profile:
export BACHPROPAGATION_ROOT_PATH=/home/projects/bachpropagation
To download the raw midi files, run the script at src/dataset
which will download all MIDI files into res/dataset/raw
. Then, to make them easier to process, we will convert those
into CSV files by running src/dataset/
that will write the processed files into res/dataset/processed
To train the model, run
, which will automatically read and instantiate the Datasets and start the training process.
For hyperparameter tuning, change some default folders configuration... visit
# Standard running command
$ python
# Extend Python path
For each iteration it's going to print an output like the following:
Epoch 1: 100%|███████████| 10/10 [00:15<00:00, 1.88s/it]
Generator loss: -0.684159 | Discriminator loss: -1.386941
INFO:root:Creating Sample 1
INFO:root:Converting to CSV...
INFO:root:Parsing note data...
INFO:root:Writing MIDI file at ~/bachpropagation/res/results/
There is an option to visualize the training evolution with Visdom,
already installed in the pipenv dev-dependencies (running pipenv install --dev
To run the Visdom server just write the following comand in the console (you can also specify custom host, port and other configurations):
$ visdom
Be sure to have the Visdom server running before training the model, then run the model with the visualization flag:
$ python --viz