In order to install, run the following command:
adonis install adonisjs-rabbitmq
After that, add RabbitMQProvider to the list of providers on start/app.js
const providers = [
You also need to add a configuration to config/queues.js
'use strict'
const Env = use('Env')
module.exports = {
driver: 'rabbitmq',
rabbitmq: {
url: Env.get('RABBIT_MQ_URL', 'amqp://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<vhost>'),
consumers: []
In order to use the producer, you must require it on the code:
const RabbitMQProducer = use('RabbitMQ/Queue/Producer')
To publish something to Rabbit:
RabbitMQProducer.publish(exchange, routingKey, content)
Consumers are defined on config/queues.js
url: Env.get('RABBIT_MQ_URL', 'amqp://rabbitmq:rabbitmq@localhost:5672/'),
consumers: [
queueName: 'example-queue',
exchange: 'example-exchange',
handler: (content) => console.log(content.content.toString())
In order to consume messages from RabbitMQ, you must start the consumers on startup:
const rabbimqConsumer = use('RabbitMQ/Queue/Consumer')