When the virtual keyboard is opened, we can get its height with MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom
BUT, in case of complicated widgets tree, it doesn't work. So, every time we have to mutate the keyboard size down to the widget tree.
This package is a straightforward and convenient provider that helps get info about: keyboard height, is it open or not, set bool value is screen small or not.
After installing wrap Scaffold widget to
smallSize: 500.0,
child: Scaffold(
where smallSize
property is optional, default is 400.0
After that, down to the widget tree you can use Consumer widget to get info about keyboard
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer<ScreenHeight>(
builder: (context, _res, child) {
return Center(
available properties:
double keyboardHeight
double screenHeight
bool isSmall // returns true if screen height becomes less then smallSize property
bool isOpen // true if open
Full example is here https://github.com/awaik/flutter_keyboard_size/tree/master/example
This is a project by Agoradesk, P2P cryptocurrency trading platform. Created by the team behind LocalMonero, the biggest and most trusted Monero P2P trading platform.