FSCmd is a compact command-line tool, created with inspiration from utilities like nircmd. Its primary function is to streamline dependencies within a range of software projects.
It has been designed with a modular structure, enabling the addition of independent modules over time to address evolving user needs and expand functionality.
This description sounds incredibly professional but don't be fooled: ChatGPT wrote it. :)
Current set of functions :
Usage: FSCmd <tool> [tool options]
Available tools:
FSCmd help [tool]
FSCmd alert Displays an alert on the screen.
FSCmd deleteTask Deletes task from the task scheduler.
FSCmd hibernate Puts the computer into hibernation.
FSCmd sleep Puts the computer into sleep.
FSCmd setAlarm Sets an alarm.
FSCmd vlcPause Pauses VLC video.
FSCmd vlcPlay Plays VLC video.
FSCmd vlcNext Skips to the next VLC video.
FSCmd vlcPrevious Goes back to the previous VLC video.
FSCmd volume Changes the volume of the current audio device.
Some parameters can be set globally through environment, like VLC_PASSWORD and VLC_PORT.