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Laravel Queue-it


Queue-it integration for Laravel.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::view('/event', 'event')->middleware('queue-it.known-user-queue');


composer require jorbascrumps/laravel-queue-it


Add your Queue-it credentials to your environment file.



Your secret can be found in the Go Queue-it self-service platform under Account > Settings > Integration.


Known User Queue


You should not apply KnownUserQueue to static or cached pages, or assets.

Known User Queue allows control over queues via the Go Queue-it self-service platform and requires an integration config. See Exporting integration config for details on how you can acquire it. Once you've added an integration config to your project you can apply the KnownUserQueue middleware to any route or route group that you want to be queueable.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::view('/event', 'event')->middleware('queue-it.known-user-queue');

You can also reference the class name instead of the alias if you prefer:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Jorbascrumps\QueueIt\Http\Middleware\KnownUserQueue;

Route::view('/event', 'event')->middleware(KnownUserQueue::class);

Inline Queue


You should not apply InlineQueue to static or cached pages, or assets.

Apply the InlineQueue middleware to any route or route group that you want to be queueable. You must specify an event and queue domain. Other customization options are also available.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Jorbascrumps\QueueIt\Http\Middleware\InlineQueue;

Route::view('/event', 'event')->middleware([

User queue eligibility

You may not want to send every user through the queue. In these scenarios you can provide a customer resolver to determine queue eligibility within a service provider.

KnownUserQueue::resolveUserQueueEligibilityUsing(function (Authenticatable $user) {
    return ! $user->isAdmin();

The callback will be resolved via the container so you can inject the authenticated user or any other depedency you may need.

Exporting integration config

Known User Queues require an integration configuration file that contains logic for how and when queues should be managed. There are several options available to add this file to your project.

Publish webhook

This package includes a webhook route that you can register in your account to push your integration configuration file to anytime you make changes. You can configure this setting under Integrations > Overview > Settings > Publish web endpoint.


You can customize the webhook route in your environment file:


Using Artisan

This package includes an Artisan command to fetch and store your integration file anytime you need to. Note that this method requires an API key.

php artisan queue-it:fetch-config


You can specify your API key in your environment file:


Custom resolver

If you need to implement custom logic to provide your integration configuration you may do so using a custom resolver in a service provider.

KnownUserQueue::resolveIntegrationConfigurationUsing(function () {
    // Return your integration configuration as a JSON string

The default resolver provided will attempt to find your configuration in your application's storage.

Manual download

Download options can be found in your account under Integrations > Overview > Latest KnownUser configuration. You should save this to your application's storage directory.

Customizing config file location

By default, your integration configuration file is expected to be found in your application's storage as queue-it-config.json. If you need to store it under a different name in storage, you can specify this in your environment file:
