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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 25, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: joomlatools/joomlatools-vagrant


24 Jan 14:25
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  • Improved - Upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS #111
  • Improved - Use PHP 7.3 by default #165
  • Improved - Updated PHPManager EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS variable #130
  • Improved - Use local phpmanager dependencies installer during development #154
  • Improved - Run two vagrant boxes simultaneously #37
  • Improved - Use rbenv and update default Ruby version to 2.6.5 #166
  • Improved - Make mount options configurable #77
  • Improved - Set as default Nginx vhost #117
  • Improved - Update NodeJS version #138
  • Added - Install YellowLab tools CLI #157
  • Added - Install MailHog instead of MailCatcher #87
  • Added - Use ngrok to share websites #88
  • Added - Enable http/2 #146
  • Added - Install Cockpit #139
  • Added - Install folioshell #134
  • Fixed - Installing packages requires user input #156
  • Fixed - Incorrect host permissions over site files #150
  • Fixed - Downgrade phing #133
  • Fixed - Make sure static assets are revalidated #136


20 Jun 12:35
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  • Added - Install php-ldap extension #123
  • Added - Install tmate to share terminal #120
  • Fixed - Prevent updater from running simultaneously #121
  • Fixed - Make sure auto-updater updates dependencies too #126
  • Fixed - Restart Nginx in box command #118
  • Fixed - Fix scrolling in site list #113
  • Improved - Update phing/phing to 3.x #124
  • Removed - vagrant-triggers for backup and restore #125


08 Nov 16:26
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  • Improved - Use PHP-FPM instead of mod_php #28
  • Improved - New dashboard design #13
  • Improved - Initial refactoring of Puppet code to roles & profile workflow #45
  • Improved - Upgrade to Webgrind 1.5 #74
  • Improved - Move Varnish to port :8080 and improve VCL #85
  • Improved - Query site list from joomlatools/console #86
  • Fixed - Increase disk size #71
  • Fixed - Set the nolock mount option #75
  • Fixed - Install missing zip command #82
  • Fixed - Make sure Xdebug works for custom PHP 7.x versions #90
  • Added - Install default PHP from the ondrej/php repository #69
  • Added - Add Toggle command to Box script #84
  • Added - Run Nginx on port 81 #106
  • Added - Add Terminal window to dashboard on larger screens #108
  • Removed - Remove Z-Ray and HHVM #96


08 Apr 15:55
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  • Added - Installed the Composer plugin hirak/prestissimo #14
  • Fixed - Configure PHP's OpenSSL to find the CA bundles #22
  • Fixed - Add to hosts file #16
  • Fixed - Fix extra slash in administrator urls on dashboard #19
  • Improved - Upgraded Z-Ray to latest versions #21


01 Dec 17:54
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  • Changed - Renamed joomlatools/joomla-console to joomlatools/console


26 Nov 11:22
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  • Added - JOOMLATOOLS_BOX version environment variable
  • Added - Install joomlatools/joomla-console-joomlatools plugin by default
  • Fixed - Always pass requests to /ZendServer end-point
  • Fixed - Symlink /opt/zray to active Z-Ray installation to fix plugin gallery
  • Fixed - Ensure that hostname is always set to joomlatools using Puppet configuration
  • Improved - Use a single zray.ini file and zray.conf virtual host
  • Improved - Disable Z-Ray on tools (dashboard, phpmyadmin, webgrind, pimpmylog)
  • Improved - Decrease box size


11 Nov 22:39
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  • Added - Install Z-Ray Joomla and Composer plugins
  • Improved - Automatically enable Xdebug if it's disabled when starting the profiler
  • Fixed - Make sure dashboard can retrieve Joomla 3.5.0 version out of JVersion class
  • Fixed - Automated installation of vagrant-triggers plugin failed on Windows hosts


05 Nov 22:49
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  • Added - box php:engine hhvm command to switch to HHVM
  • Added - box xdebug:profiler start|stop command to turn on Xdebug profiling
  • Added - Zend Z-Ray preview
  • Added - httpie CLI HTTP Client
  • Added - Cloudcommander web-based file browser
  • Added - System will automatically look for joomlatools/joomla-console updates
  • Added - Installed Varnish cache in front of Apache
  • Added - Automatically backup and restore virtual hosts and databases when upgrading the box
  • Fixed - Upgraded Webgrind to automatically find cachegrind files
  • Fixed - Consolidate the PHP ini files into a single custom.ini file
  • Improved - Xdebug is now disabled by default
  • Improved - Automatically change directory to /var/www when logging in via vagrant ssh or web terminal
  • Improved - Added /terminal, /mailcatcher and /filebrowser aliases
  • Improved - Added bash autocompletion to the box command


03 Sep 13:51
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  • Added - Support for PHP7
  • Added - Support for joomla-platform installations
  • Added - Installed git-ftp
  • Added - box server:restart command
  • Improved - Use the async option when mounting NFS on Linux
  • Improved - Link to both site and administrator in dashboard listing
  • Fixed - Allow value 0 to be written to PHP ini using box php:ini
  • Fixed - Use bison 2.4 when building PHP 5.4.19+
  • Fixed - Point to global apc-dashboard.php file in /apc alias


01 Jun 14:41
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  • Improved - Upgraded default PHP to 5.5
  • Improved - Upgraded OS and stack: Ubuntu 14.04, Apache 2.4, Puppet 3.4, Ruby 2.2
  • Improved - Add "getting started" instructions to MOTD
  • Improved - Installed RVM for the vagrant user
  • Improved - Install mailcatcher for the vagrant user instead of globally
  • Improved - Consolidated all server-related commands into a single box command. (apc, xdebug, phpmanager, ..)
  • Added - Created the box dashboard available at
  • Added - Installed Wetty (web terminal)
  • Added - Installed PimpMyLog for access to server logs via browser
  • Added - Installed PhpMetrics
  • Added - Create a Packer template
  • Added - Enable SSL by default to and all newly created hosts
  • Added - Capistrano gem
  • Added - Bundler gem
  • Fixed - Fix gsub error when adding incorrect shared folders
  • Fixed - Broken dependencies for Mailcatcher
  • Fixed - Fix phpmyadmin puppet manifest on Windows (#8)
  • Fixed - Suppress STDERR output when restarting Apache
  • Fixed - Compile and configure Opcache and APCu by default when building PHP versions greater than 5.5
  • Fixed - Use Xdebug v2.2.7 for PHP versions older than 5.4.0
  • Fixed - Do not delete php binaries on phpmanager restore if using system default
  • Removed - Removed XHProf