Compares hash values for 2 directories
Folder Hash Compare generates hashes for all files in 2 directories and then compares those hashes against eachother.
Can be run as-is with python 3.x
FHC can be run with several parameters: [-h] [-p PRIMARY] [-s SECONDARY] [-a] [-d] [-m] [-n] [-v] [-l] [-c]
-h, --help shows help message and exits
-p PRIMARY, --primary PRIMARY path of primary directory f.e. -p "/home/user/dir1" or -p "C:\folder1"
-s SECONDARY, --secondary SECONDARY path of secondary directory f.e. -p "/home/user/dir2" or -p "D:\folder2"
-a, --algorithm set algorithm to CRC32, MD5 or SHA256 (CRC32 by default)
-d, --disable disabled multithreading, when disabled the hashing will be done sequentially, by default they will be done simultaneously
-m, --missing searches for missing files in secondary directory (i.e. present in PRIMARY but not present in SECONDARY)
-n, --nmissing searches for missing files in primary directory (i.e. present in SECONDARY but not present in PRIMARY)
-v, --verbose enables verbose logging, outputs all steps in terminal
-l, --logging disables logging to txt file in logs/ folder
-c, --custom disables use of -p and -s parameters and allows to set hardcoded directory paths (for jobs that have to be done frequently with the same paths)
are not required when using -c
, when using the -c, --custom
parameter, make sure to fill in the primary_directory
and secondary_directory
variables in
can be any path starting from the root to deeper directories. Directories can only be scanned and processed granted the user has access to them.
-a, --algorithm
allows the user to change the default algorithm to any of the 3 available ones: CRC32, MD5 or SHA256. CRC32 is faster but not secure, MD5 is slower than CRC32 but faster than SHA256 but is nowadays considered insecure. SHA256 is slower than both CRC32 and MD5 but is also more secure than either of them. For the purposes of this program I didn't feel the need to have a higher than 256-bit algorithm as it's generally just to verify if a directories' contents copied without errors to another one.
-d, --disable
disables multithreading. By default multithreading is enabled but if comparing 2 directories that are on the same drive it might be faster to have multithreading disabled. When disabled files will be hashes sequentially, starting from the primary directory and then processing the secondary directory. When multithreading is enabled file hashes are generated simultaneously.
-l, --logging
disables logging (when enabled logs will be stored as a .txt file in logs/ folder), recomendded to keep enabled, especially when you expect to encounter missing files (also see -m, --missing
& -n, --nmissing
-m, --missing
and -n, --nmissing
search for missing files. -m
will report missing files in the secondary directory, i.e. files that are present in the PRIMARY directory but missing in the SECONDARY directory. -n
will search for missing files the other way around, i.e. files that are present in the SECONDARY directory but missing in the PRIMARY directory. Recommended to use -l, --logging
when using either of these settings.
-v, --verbose
displays a verbose logging output as the program runs, notifying the user of each step.
python -p "//NAS/directory1/" -s "//SecondNAS/directory2" -a MD5 -d -m -n -v
- The application will compare
all files in the main and all sub-folders against all files in//SecondNAS/directory2
. -a MD5
sets the algorithm used algorithm to MD5.-d
will disable multithreading and complete hashing of all files in//NAS/directory1/
before hashing files in//SecondNAS/directory2
will scan for missing files in both directories.-v
will enable a more clear verbose logging that outputs each step of the process while running.
I made Folder Hash Compare because there wasn't a program that suited my needs and worked cross-platform. After backing up a large amount of data to an external source I had some trouble finding a solution to make sure that all files were copied correctly. FHC started as a small script to quickly check folders but I added several functions and options (multithreading, enabling and disabling features) that other solutions didn't provide.
This software was created for educational purposes for my final project for CS50P and is licensed under the MIT License.