This experimental project aims to answer simple financial questions from the household budget.
- Munge the Google Budget spreadsheets to a single CSV
- Use Sketch to generate Python code to run analysis and plots
Run the development server:
uvicorn src.bean_counter.main:app --port 7998 --reload
To ingest all costs from the Family Google Sheets, run with httpie
http POST
Enable the Google Drive API and Google Sheets API for the Google Project
Add a service account to the Google Project
- Create a new key to the service account
- Download the JSON file and save it to
Google Project Dashboard
Google APIs
Fam Budget
Use Google Apps Script to make HTTP requests to trigger munge
Using FastAPI with AWS SAM the Easy Way!
Deploy FastAPI on AWS Lambda
If you have the credentials, run mine:
After installation/credentials set up AWS CLI v2:
aws lambda list-functions
Already created the Lambda and need to update it?
bash make update-lambda
Get Python 3.10 packages (see ./aws/3.10-requirements.txt)
Create zip file
:pip install -t lib -r 3.10-requirements.txt (cd lib; zip ../ -r .) (cd src/bean_counter; zip ../../ -u; zip ../../ -u .env; cd -) zip -r config
Upload it to S3 with:
aws s3 cp s3://projects-bean-counter/
Create the Lambda function:
Upload by giving it S3 address
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name bean-counter --s3-bucket projects-bean-counter --s3-key
Tweak Configuration (Memory, Timeout)
Deactivate/Reactivate (Optional)
aws lambda put-function-concurrency --function-name bean-counter --reserved-concurrent-executions 0
aws lambda put-function-concurrency --function-name bean-counter --reserved-concurrent-executions 10
Generated from
Direction | Name | Category | Date | GBP |
Outgoing | Petrol | 05/23 | 400 | |
Incoming | Salary | 03/23 | 3,500 | |
Incoming | Carry over from Joint | 12/22 | 400 |