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Mongoose Materialized

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A mongoose plugin for the materialized paths.



var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    materializedPlugin = require('mongoose-materialized'),
    Schema = mongoose.Schema;


var CatSchema = new Schema({
  name: {type: String}


var Cat= mongoose.model('Cat', CatSchema); // Category

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Adding root and child element.

Important: The model verifies the existence of the parent category before they would save. Except for the root element or change the parent id not touch.

// if you have predefined datas with parent id
    // building materialized path

// add root element
cat = new Cat({name: "Foods"});, foods){
    // append new sub category
    foods.appendChild({name: "Vegetables"}, function(err, vega){
        // vega: { name: "Vegetables", parentId: [foods ID], path: ',[foods ID]' }
    // or make new
    var vega = new Cat({name: "Vegetables"});
    // saving with append
    foods.appendChild(vega, function(err, data){ ... });
    // or save traditional way
    vega.parentId = foods._id;, data){ ... });

Find element and checking the relationship

Cat.findOne({parentId: null}, function(err, doc){
    // access to the children
    doc.getChildren(function(err, docs){
        // ...

    // access to the children with condition and sort
        condition: { name: /^a/ },
        sort: { name: 1 }
    },function(err, docs){
        // ...

    // access to the siblings
    doc.getSiblings(function(err, docs){
        // ...

    // access to the ancestors
    doc.getAncestors(function(err, docs){
        // ...

    // check element is root
    doc.isRoot(function(err, isOk){ ... });

    // check element is leaf
    doc.isLeaf(function(err, isLeaf){ ... });

    // depth virtual attributes

    // use promise
        // ...

    // get doc array tree
    doc.getArrayTree(function(err, tree){
        // ... [ {"_id": "...", "children": [ {...} ]}]

    // get doc tree
    doc.getTree(function(err, tree){
        // ... { "doc ID": { ..., children: { ... } }

    // or get tree with condition and sorting
        condition: { name: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ },
        sort: { name: 1 }
    }, function(err, tree){
        // ...

Cat.GetTree('elemt ID', function (err, tree) {
    // ...

Cat.GetArrayTree('elemt ID', function (err, tree) {
    // ...

// access for full tree in array
Cat.GetFullArrayTree(function (err, tree) {


// access for full tree object
Cat.GetFullTree(function (err, tree) {


The different arrayTree and simple Tree methods: arrayTree result:

    { _id: 53ee2db76f2d838a07a04e6a,
    path: '',
    name: 'Foods',
    __v: 0,
    _w: 0,
    parentId: null,
    depth: 0,
    id: '53ee2db76f2d838a07a04e6a',
    children: [ [Object], [Object] ] 

and the Tree result:

{ '53ee2db76f2d838a07a04e6a': 
   { _id: 53ee2db76f2d838a07a04e6a,
     path: '',
     name: 'Foods',
     __v: 0,
     _w: 0,
     parentId: null,
     depth: 0,
     id: '53ee2db76f2d838a07a04e6a',
     children: { 
        '53ee2db76f2d838a07a04e6b': [Object] 

Manipulate child element with static method mongoose-materialized it is possible to use more than one root.

Cat.AppendChild('ID', { 'name': 'Meats'}, function(err, doc){ ... });
Cat.getChildren('ID', function(err, childs){ ... });
Cat.getRoots(function(err, roots){
    // root elements

// Format tree, sub element stored in children field
Cat.getRoots({ name: "" }).then(function (err, root) {
    root.getChildren().then(function (err, children) {
        console.log( Cat.toTree(children) );
        // or only shown name
        console.log( Cat.toTree(children, { name: 1 }) );

Hierarchical builder for the existing data. Important: This operation is relatively slow. Use only the conversion.

    // builded materialized path sturcture

// This example convert nested set to materialized path. Use this function to migration.

    remove: { lt: 1, gt: 1, children: 1 } // remove nested fields from existsing data
}, function(){
    // building is competted

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The following methods must be used with a callback. The callback method have two arguments. The first error and the second data object. If all goes well then the error is null.

model.calledFunction( function (error, data) {
    if (error)
        // handle error

The methods with work callback return promise. Mongoose Promise

model.calledFunction().then( function (data) {

}, function (err) {
    // handle error

Imprtant! Do not use the following methods:

  • Model.findByIdAndUpdate()
  • Model.findByOneAndUpdate()
  • Model.findByIdAndRemove()
  • Model.findByOneAndRemove()
  • Model.update() - static version
  • instance.update()
  • Model.remove() - static version

These functions are not triggered by the removal and saving events.

Instead, the following are recommended:

  • - saving and update (before use findOne, findById)
  • instance.remove() - remove document (before use findOne, findById)
  • Model.Remove(condition, callback)

The my query object is special object for mongo query. This parameter available for functions.

var query = {
    // mongo condition
    condition: {
        name: /^a/
    // selected fields
    fields: {
        _id: 1,
        name: 1
    // sorting
    sort: {
        name: -1

// Example get chidls with query
doc.getChilds(query, function(err, docs){ ... });

To run the tests:

npm test

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Added attributes:

  • parentId: Parent item id.
  • path: materialized path. Auto generated
  • _w: weight for sort
  • depth: (virtual) element depth

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Static methods

Similar method has the static begins with the first letter capitalized. (IsLeaft is static and isLeaf non static)

  • IsLeaf(ModelOrId, callback)

  • IsRoot(ModelOrId, callback)

  • GetChildren(ModelOrId, [query,] callback)

  • GetRoots([query,] callback)

  • GetTree(root condition, [children query,] callback) - get elemets tree with children

  • GetFullTree(callback)

  • GetArrayTree(root condition, [children query,] callback) - get elemets tree with children

  • GetFullArrayTree(callback)

  • Remove(condition, callback) - use this instead of remove.

  • AppendChild(ModelOrId, callback)

  • ToTree(documentArray, selected fields) Return object, no mongoose document (toObject()). Fields: { name: 1, _id: 1 }

  • ToArrayTree(documentArray, selected fields) Return objects in array, no mongoose document (toObject()). Fields: { name: 1, _id: 1 }

  • Building([prepare,] callback) - rebuild material path (good for extisting collections - parentId is needed)

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  • isRoot(callback)

  • isLeaf(callback)

  • isDescendant(callback)

  • isParent(ModelOrId, callback)

  • isSibling(ModelOrID, callback)

  • getParent(callback)

  • getDescendants([query,] callback)

  • getChildren([query,] callback) alias for getDescendants

  • getAncestors([query,] callback)

  • getSiblings([query,] callback)

  • getTree([query,] callback) - get elemets tree with children

  • getArrayTree([query,] callback) - get elemets tree with children, array version

  • appendChild(model, callback)

  • setParent(ModelOrId) - if parameter is ID then check parent existence and set parentId (the model parameter to avoid the query)

  • getChildCondition()

  • getAncestorsCondition()

  • getSiblingsCondition()

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Inspired by seamless data management.

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Aug 15, 2014 - version: 0.1.8

  • added new static methods: ToArrayTree(), GetArrayTree(), GetFullArrayTree()
  • added new methods: getArrayTree()
  • added new tests
  • enhancements (toTree, parentId type inherits from _id)
  • updated and package dependencies

July 30, 2014 - version: 0.1.7

  • fixed remove parent with parentId=null bug
  • added new tests
  • updated

Dec 19, 2013 - version: 0.1.6

  • added requested function: skip, limit for getDescendants, getChildren, getAncestors, getSiblings
  • in tree construction (getTree, buildTree) skip, limit methods is not recommended for use

Oct 15, 2013 - version: 0.1.5

  • fixed typo in 153 line.

Jun 25, 2013 - version: 0.1.4

  • ToTree use virtuals
  • better depth solution

Jun 16, 2013 - version: 0.1.3

  • added GetFullTree static method
  • added prepare for Building - use: Building({ remove: { lt: 1, gt: 1, level: 1 }, function () { });
  • added GetFullTree test

Jun 16, 2013 - version: 0.1.2

  • added getTree method and GetTree static method
  • added Remove static method for remove with condition
  • fixed: getChildren now return promise
  • fixed: GetRoots function call
  • fixed: GetChildren function call
  • Building method already work
  • Building tests
  • updated

Jun 14, 2013 - version: 0.1.1

  • added ToTree test
  • tempory removed Building static method (thown not implemented error if use)
  • fixed: ToTree now return json document. (Not mongoose document)
  • updated

Jun 10, 2013 - version: 0.1.0

  • currently under construction
  • added test
  • static methods
  • before save verifies the existence of parent element
  • Query supported methods
  • added Travis CI build status
  • updated

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mongoose materialized plugin






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