an extension to sql with typed embedding into ocaml
embedding sql into ocaml is notoriously hard and results in very complex and unergonomic apis, especially if some form of query composition and reuse is present.
sqlpp takes another approach. it extends sql, the language, to recover composability, so the typed embedding into ocaml results in a simpler api.
it is worth stating that, sqlpp is just a conservative and backward compatible extension to sql. it's not a new language.
project structure:
implements sqlpp language parser, analyzer and generic SQL printersqlpp_ppx
implements typed embedding into ocaml as ppxsqlpp_sqlite
sqlite dialect/driversqlpp_manage
database management (sqlite only for now)
example project structure:
defines the database schema, also acts as a ppxexample/main.ml
the application itself, also database management interface
query can have parameters:
select id, name
from users
where id = ?id
the match ?PARAM with
construct can match on variant query parameters and
drive SQL query generation:
select id, name
from users
match ?where with
| by_id ?id -> id = ?id
| by_name ?name -> name = ?name
the select ...
syntax allows to build new expressions within a query:
create query users_with_invited_users as
select ...
from users
join (select parent_id, ... from users group by parent_id) as invited_users
on users.id = invited_users.parent_id
the usage looks like this:
invited_users.count(1) as num_invited,
invited_users.argMax(id, created_at) as last_invited
from users_with_invited_users
the with EXPR as NAME
synax predefines an expression for further usage:
with deleted_at is not null and not is_disabled as is_active,
from users
such expressions won't be queried unless they are used
consider query like this:
select ...
from (select ... from users) as u
:- (from (users: users) as u)
the :- SCOPE
at the bottom shows the scope query has, now with the following
withscope SCOPE as NAME
syntax one can alias scopes as well:
withscope u.users as users
from (select ... from users) as u
:- (from users)
and another, more elaborate, example:
withscope q.users as users,
withscope q.profiles as profiles
from (
withscope u.users as users
from (select ... from users) as u
join profiles
) q
:- (from users, from profiles)
the create fieldset
declaration defines a reusable fieldset:
create fieldset users(from users as u) as
u.id as user_id,
u.name as user_name,
u.created_at as user_created_at
which then could be used as:
with ...users(users)
from users
:- (user_id int, user_name string user_created_at int)
now consider a more elaborate example:
create fieldset profiles(from profiles as p) as
p.email as profile_email
create fieldset users_agg(from users as u) as
u.count(1) as count,
u.max(created_at) as last_created
with ...users(q.users),
with ...profiles(q.profiles),
with q.invited_users as invited_users,
from (
select with u.useres as users
from (from users) u
join profiles
on u.users.id = profiles.user_id
join (
select parent_id, ...users_agg(users)
from users
group by parent_id
) as invited_users
on u.users.id = invited_users.parent_id
) as q
:- (
user_id int,
user_name string,
user_created_at int,
profile_email string,
from (count int, last_created int) as invited_users
we used with ...FIELDSET(..)
syntax so far, but it's also possible to drop
the with
and make fieldset actually select the fields. this is useful in case
you have several queries selecting similar data.
ocaml embedding is implemented via ppx, there are following forms available
define a query which doesn't fetch any data:
let create_todo = [%exec "INSERT INTO todos(text) VALUES(?text)"]
let () = create_todo db ~text:"ship it"
define a query to fetch a list of tuples:
let all_todos = [%exec "SELECT id, text, completed FROM todos"]
List.iter (all_todos db) ~f:(fun (id, text, completed) ->
print_endline (Printf.sprintf "id=%i text=%s completed=%b" id text completed)
define a query to fetch a list of records:
type todo = {id: int; text: string; completed: bool}
let all_todos = [%exec "SELECT id, text, completed FROM todos" ~record:todo]
List.iter (all_todos db) ~f:(fun t ->
print_endline (Printf.sprintf "id=%i text=%s completed=%b" t.id t.text t.completed)
define a query to fetch an optional tuple value:
let last = [%exec "SELECT id, text, completed FROM todos
let () =
match last with
| None -> print_endline "no todos"
| Some (id, text, completed) ->
print_endline (Printf.sprintf "id=%i text=%s completed=%b" id text completed)
define a query to fetch an optional record value:
type todo = {id: int; text: string; completed: bool}
let last = [%exec "SELECT id, text, completed FROM todos
LIMIT 1" ~record:todo]
let () =
match last with
| None -> print_endline "no todos"
| Some t ->
print_endline (Printf.sprintf "id=%i text=%s completed=%b" t.id t.text t.completed)
- when instantiating a query, scopes within the
are not being copied fresh