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=== HubSpot for WordPress ===
Contributors: JonBishop
Tags: analytics, hubspot, tracking code, feedburner, action, call to action, team, about, contact, form, leads, api, shortcode, widget, dashboard, post, admin, sidebar, twitter, page, inbound, business, marketing, google map, call to action, cta, ad manager
Requires at least: 2.9
Tested up to: 3.4.1
Stable tag: 1.6

Allows WordPress users to take advantage of HubSpot lead nurturing, website analytics, and assorted features of the HubSpot CMS.

== Description ==

The HubSpot for WordPress plugin allows WordPress users to take advantage of HubSpot lead nurturing, website analytics, and assorted features of the HubSpot CMS that are missing in WordPress.

You no longer need to be a HubSpot customer to use this plugin. Non-Customers can use a majority of the shortcodes, widgets and the "Call to Action" post type with stats.

HubSpot customers benefit from Lead API integration and additional sidebar widgets that can be set up in your HubSpot dashboard. Customers can also easily view their HubSpot dashboard and stats right within WordPress.


= Features =

* Easily forward feed requests to Feedburner AND rewrite links to feeds on your site
* A widget to allow users to subscribe to your Feedburner feed via email
* Widgets to allow you to easily display your and badges.
* A shortcode to easily create a Team Page out of your registered WordPress users
* A shortcode to easily add a Google Map with address info
* A "Call to Action" post type with basic impression/click stats
	* A shortcode to easily insert actions into your sidebar
	* A widget to easily insert actions into pages and posts

*(Additional features for HubSpot customers)*

* Easily insert the HubSpot tracking script into your WordPress site
* View your HubSpot stats and HubSpot dashboard right within WordPress
* View your HubSpot HubFeed on your WordPress dashboard as a widget
* Add HubSpot custom lead forms to any page/post with a shortcode
* A widget that displays links to your Social Media accounts set up in HubSpot

Note: HubSpot collects usage information about this plugin so that we can better serve our customers and know what features to add. By installing and activating the HubSpot for WordPress plugin you agree to these terms.
Learn More:

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

= Installing the Plugin =

*(using the Wordpress Admin Console)*

1. Go to the plugins section of your Wordpress Admin Console, and click on 'add new'
1. Search for "HubSpot" and click 'install' to install the plugin

*(manually via FTP)*

1. Delete any existing 'hubspot' folder from the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
1. Upload the 'hubspot' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

= Configuring Analytics =

1. Look for the HubSpot section of your WordPress admin
1. Click on settings to configure the HubSpot plugin to work for your portal.
1. Your HubSpot Application Domain and Portal ID number are found in your HubSpot portal under Settings>Analytics>External Site Traffic Logging. The application domain can be found on the fifth line of the tracking code that looks like this var hs_ppa = "";
    - Your Application domain will also be in quotes, but will be unique to your portal's domain
    - Your Portal ID number is displayed in grey text underneath verify tracking code.
1. If you have not already set up a Feedburner feed for your blog you can set it up Instructions for setting up Feedburner can be found here
1. After saving your settings, click on Dashboard under the HubSpot wordpress plugin options.
1. Go to Analyze>Blog Analytics, and add your wordpress blog to be analyzed, follow the on screen instructions.
1. Once blog analytics is finished crawling for data, you will see blog analytics populate.
    - Keep in mind, if you use a comments engine other than wordpress default, comments may be unavailable in blog analytics.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can I run this plugin together with a Google Analytics plugin? =

Yes, definitely. Go for it!

= Do you have to be a HubSpot client to use this plugin? =

For most of the functionality, yes. Some things (Like the Call to Action manager, some widgets and some shortcodes) work without being a HubSpot customer, but the really good stuff (like Lead Tracking and Analytics) require a HubSpot account.

= How do you monitor in analytics how the call to action lead to a goal? =

Right now, there is not a clear path from a specific call to action to a specific Lead. You can look at how many leads you have received from a certain form, against the number of clicks that call to action has had, and find out how successful a specific Call to Action has been at generating Leads.

= Which version of HubSpot do we have to be using in order to use plugin? =

To use the Analytics integration, you need a version of HubSpot that supports the external site tracking code, which includes Professional and Enterprise.

= Can they be coded? =

I think you're asking if you can use HTML in Calls to Action. The answer is yes :) It uses the default WordPress editor,

= What steps we need to take if we already have the tracking code and would like to use this new plugin? =

If you're already using HubSpot's tracking code, you should remove the original tracking code you added before adding this plugin. Otherwise, you will wind up with visits being counted twice, as two copies of the JavaScript are installed.

= What about validation errors, will it still maintain my WP theme? =

The plugin uses minimum CSS and inserts valid HTML when necessary.

= What are the guidelines for when we include CTAs with the plug-in or when we use Hubspot directly? =

If I were in your position, I would always use CTAs, which point to Pages on my WordPress site. I'd use HubSpot Exported HTML Forms on those pages. That way, you have a smooth consistent experience on your site,

= Can you set up categories for the Call to Action feature so that you can control which forms are shown versus a free for all of all forms? =

You can choose which CTAs to randomly rotate through when inserting CTAs into your site.

= Can you use the Hubspot plug in with themes like Headway, Thesis or others? =

Yup! The WordPress plugin is theme-agnostic.

= Can you do image CTAs? =

Definitely! We use the standard WordPress editor, so you can even use anything that is in your WordPress image library for your CTA.

= Do you put the shortcode into the HTML tab or can you put it in the visual tab, too? =

You can put it in either. On the visual editor there is a button to make inserting shortcodes a snap.

= If you have multiple wordpress pages under the same account - that have different social media sites can you use the "follow me" function with different social media site links in the follow me widget? =

The Follow Me block is set up the same as however you configured Follow Me in HubSpot. If you can set up the HubSpot Follow Me block to work the way that you'd like, it will work here as well.

= Is there any written information as a guide? =

There is written documentation inside of the plugin, which you can access by clicking on "Help" in the top right of any page.

= Can I use the subscriber Form without Feedburner, which I can't use because I have various feeds =

Unfortunately no - This Subscriber widget is a frontend to Feedburner's interface specifically.

= Where do we find the Hubspot Feed again? =

It's available by clicking on the orange RSS icon next to the word "HubFeed" on your dashboard.

= Where do I find my feedburner feed? =

Your feedburner feed will look something like Go to and right-click on the RSS icon next to the Feed Title and click 'Copy Link Address'. You can also just left-click on the RSS icon next to the Feed Title and copy the URL in the addressbar on the next page.

= What are shortcodes? =

Shortcodes are small bits of code that make the creation of advanced HTML elements easy. The HubSpot WordPress plugin uses shortcodes to display contact info, [hs_contact], and team info, [hs_team], to make inserting and managing the content associated with these pages effortless.

= How do I insert the 'HubSpot Follow Me' buttons into my sidebar? =

Make sure you have input the proper HubSpot Portal ID on the HubSpot WordPress plugin configuration page. You can then use the widget under Appearance->Widgets titled "HubSpot: Follow Widget".

= How does the HubSpot WordPress plugin forward to my feedburner? =

The plugin forwards all requests to with a 302 redirect. The plugin also replaces all links with your Feedburner address.

= How do I change the names displayed on my Team Page? =

Go to the profile page of the name you want to change. Make sure you filled out your first and last name, then select the full name you would like to display for 'Display name publicly as'.

= What are Actions? =

An action is a request for your reader to do something. The HubSpot plugin comes with a Call to Action manager that allows you to create calls to action. You can then use the [hs-action] shortcode or sidebar widget to randomly display your actions. The manager keeps track of clicks, impressions and CTR.

= Does HubSpot collect my information? =

HubSpot collects usage information about this plugin, so that we can better serve our customers and know what features to add.

== Screenshots ==

1. Main settings page
2. HubSpot Dashboard view within WordPress
3. Actions Manager with stats
4. Shortcodes settings
5. Visual Editor pop-up for inserting shortcodes

== Changelog ==

= 1.6 =
* New analytics code
* Changed how CTAs get loaded into shortcode modal

= 1.5.6 =
* Resetting post wp_query after call to action query
* Cleaned up admin settings area

= 1.5.5 =
* Cleaned up admin
* Cleaned up Team shortcodes

= 1.5.4 =
* Added support for nested shortcodes

= 1.5.3 =
* Fixed duplicate content on calls to action
* Added support for Googlebot to index RSS

= 1.5.2 =
* Fixed losing forms on upgrade

= 1.5.1 =
* Updated readme with new agreement information.

= 1.5 =
* Fixed options resetting with large forms in Shortcode Settings
* Checks email on first install

= 1.4.2 =
* Added fix for shortcode textareas disappearing

= 1.4.1 =
* Removed unfinished new feature

= 1.4 =
* HubFeed now displays data using jQuery in dashboard widget
* Tested for WordPress 3.2 changes
* Fixed visual editor popup display issues

= 1.3.6 =
* Fixed Call to Action widget
* Added demo link to Readme.txt

= 1.3.5 =
* Added display to hs_contact shortcode to selectively display map, address or both
* Removed unneeded formatting
* Changed support info in admin

= 1.3.4 =
* Fixed glitch in Call to Action widgets
* Added two new widgets to display Grader badges

= 1.3.3 =
* Fixed tracker bug

= 1.3.2 =
* Add customer usage tracking

= 1.3.1 =
* Modified notice class so I can add notices on the fly
* Form validation for the main settings page
* Fixed widget and shortcode button not displaying all CTAs
* Filter admin from CTA impressions

= 1.3 =
* Added button with pop-up to visual editor to make inserting shortcodes easier
* Changed call to action notices
* Can select which team members to display
* Can now add custom maps on pages/posts
* Changed contextual help to reflect new features
* New screenshot and FAQ

= 1.2.3 =
* Fixed some privilege problems
* Worked on sortable columns for custom post type
* Actions shortcode/widget can now display specific actions

= 1.2.2 =
* Fix stylesheet

= 1.2.1 =
* Fix contact shortcode display
* Add notice class to manage WordPress notices
* Remove 'Save Changes' button from dashboard
* Upate Readme description
* Change 'Actions' post type to 'Calls to Action'

= 1.2 =
* Add dashboard widget to display HubFeed
* Support multiple Custom HTML Forms
* Update contextual help
* Cleaned up errors in actions
* Updated Installation instructions

= 1.1.1 =
* Add css to help HubSpot forms display better in assorted themes

= 1.1 =
* Fix typos in admin area
* Add Custom Form HTML to Leads section of Shorctodes page
* Filter bots from impressions/clicks count
* Added Subscribe by Email widget
* No longer using Google Javascript API Using simple iFrame embed.
* Increased height of dashboard and stats pages

= 1.0.3 =
* Fix shortcodes to output within content
* Fix line/paragraph breaks on team page in bio
* Optimize team page processing and output
* Moved conditional filter/action loading to individual classes
* Fixed widgets, can now hide title for actions

= 1.0.2 =
* Only load admin class in admin area
* Added http:// to lead API form helper link in admin area
* Code cleanup
* Hide action settings when WP version less than 3.0

= 1.0.1 =
* Fixed typos

= 1.0 =
* Added Call To Action section
* Created [hs_team], [hs_contact], [hs_form] and [hs_action] shortcodes with settings area
* Created new admin area with HubSpot branding, support area and feed module
* Updated code
* Checked for compatibility with 2.9+

= .53 =
* Fixed occasional error message for people with unusual apache configurations.

= .52 =
* Fixed occasional error message for people with unusual apache configurations.
* Tested for compatibility with WordPress 3.0 RC1.

= 0.51 =
* Fixed occasional error message displayed on dashboard page.

= 0.5 =
* Tracking code inserted. No preferences or options at this time.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.3.6 =
Fixed CTA widgets displaying wrong Actions

= 1.3 =
Button on visual editor makes adding HubSpot shortcodes easier than ever. New settings also let you selectively display team members and calls to action.

= 1.2 =
Support for multiple HubSpot forms and added HubFeed as a dashboard widget


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