This is a Terraform module which creates CloudFont-enabled S3 bucket for a static website with logging and object life-cycle management.
This module will create an encrypted (i.e. HTTPS) endpoint in CloudFront using Amazon Certificate Manager. ACM cannot be automated at this time as it requires manual steps in the approval of the domain name before it can be added into the account. Please therefore setup the certificate for the domain name you require (and any aliases you may include as well) by following the Getting Started guide in the AWS Documentation.
provider "aws" {
region = "eu-west-2"
module "website" {
source = "modules/terraform-module-s3-cloudfront"
name = "my-first-website"
hostname = ""
wildcard_ssl = "*"
aliases = [
cache_ttl = 86400
logs_transition_ia = 30
logs_transition_glacier = 60
logs_expiration = 365
price_class = "PriceClass_100"
index_document = "index.html"
error_document = "error.html"
tags {
Domain = ""
Owner = "[email protected]"
A simple example of how to use this module can be found in the examples/ directory of this repository.
Jonathan Wright [email protected] Dave Dash [email protected]
MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.