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Hey there,

This document is a rubyist adaptation of the original README file made for the Java API version. You can get access to it by clicking here. Konduto is a trademark, all rights reserved. This project has no intention beyond helping ruby users to get easy access to Konduto's API through a simplified interface.


Welcome! This document will explain how to integrate with Konduto's anti-fraud service so you can begin to spot fraud on your e-commerce website.

Our service uses the visitor's behavior to analyze browsing patterns and detect fraud. You will need to add a JavaScript snippet to your website and tag your pages, so we can see your visitors, and call our REST API to send purchases, so we can analyze them.

This document refers to the Ruby SDK used for our API.


  • This API was tested with Ruby MRI version 2.


To get started add Konduto's gem as a dependency in your Gemfile:

gem 'konduto-ruby'

After that, run bundle install. If your are not using a Gemfile, run the following command

$ gem install konduto-ruby

Getting Started

When a customer makes a purchase you must send the order information to us so we can analyze it. We perform a real-time analysis and return you a recommendation of what to do next and a score, a numeric confidence level about that order.

While many of the parameters we accept are optional we recommend you send all you can, because every data point matters for the analysis. The billing address and credit card information are specially important, though we understand there are cases where you don't have that information.

Set your API key

You will need an API key to authenticate the requests. Luckily for you the examples below have been populated with a working key, so you can just copy and paste to see how it works.

# creates a Konduto instance, which is a class that communicates with our API by using HTTP methods.
konduto ='T738D516F09CAB3A2C1EE') # T738D516F09CAB3A2C1EE is the API key

Creating an order

KondutoOrder is a class that models the attributes and behavior of an order.

All entities involved in Konduto's analysis process (e.g customer, shopping cart, payment, etc.) inherit from KondutoBase and you can get access to them by calling their name and passing a hash of attributes, as shown below.

order ={
          id: '123',
          totalAmount: 123.4,
          customer: customer # customer is an instance of KondutoCustomer

One can also use the more conventional set-based approach as seen below.

order = = "123"
order.total_amount = 123.4
order.customer = customer

NOTICE: the order created above is really, really simple. The more detail you provide, more accurate Konduto's analysis will be.

Order parameters

Parameter Description
id (required) Unique identifier for each order.
visitor (required) Visitor identifier obtained from our JavaScript snippet.
total_amount (required) Total order amount.
shipping_amount (optional) Shipping and handling amount.
tax_amount (optional) Taxes amount.
currency (optional) Currency code with 3 letters (ISO-4712).
installments (optional) Number of installments in the payment plan.
ip (optional) Customer's IPv4 address.
customer (required) Object containing the customer details.
payment (optional) Array containing the payment methods.
billing (optional) Object containing the billing information.
shipping (optional) Object containing the shipping information.
shopping_cart (optional) Array containing the items purchased.
analyze (optional) A boolean indicating if the order should be analyzed. Defaults to true.
first_message (optional) Time when the first message was exchanged between customer and seller.
messages_exchanged (optional) Number of messages exchanged between customer and seller.
purchased_at (optional) Time when the customer purchased from the seller.

Customer information

Parameter Description
id (required) Unique identifier for each customer. Can be anything you like (counter, id, e-mail address) as long as it's consistent in future orders.
name (required) Customer's full name.
email (required) Customer's e-mail address
tax_id (optional) Customer's tax id.
phone1 (optional) Customer's primary phone number
phone 2 (optional) Customer's secondary phone number
new (optional) Boolean indicating if the customer is using a newly created account for this purchase.
vip (optional) Boolean indicating if the customer is a VIP or frequent buyer.
created_at (optional) Date when customer was created.

Payment information

Parameter Description
status (required) The status of the transaction returned by the payment processor. Accepts approved, declined or pending if the payment wasn't been processed yet.
bin (optional) First six digits of the customer's credit card. Used to identify the type of card being sent.
last4 (optional) Four last digits of the customer's credit card number.
expiration_date (optional) Card's expiration date under MMYYYY format.

Billing address

Parameter Description
name (optional) Cardholder's full name.
address1 (optional) Cardholder's billing address on file with the bank.
address2 (optional) Additional cardholder address information.
city (optional) Cardholder's city.
state (optional) Cardholder's state.
zip (optional) Cardholder's ZIP code.
country (optional) Cardholder's country code (ISO 3166-2)

Shipping address

Parameter Description
name (optional) Recipient's full name.
address1 (optional) Recipient's shipping address.
address2 (optional) Additional recipient address information.
city (optional) Recipient's city.
state (optional) Recipient's state.
zip (optional) Recipient's ZIP code.
country (optional) Recipient's country code (ISO 3166-2)

Shopping cart

Parameter Description
sku (optional) Product or service's SKU or inventory id.
product_code (optional) Product or service's UPC, barcode or secondary id.
category (optional) Category code for the item purchased. See here for the list.
name (optional) Name of the product or service.
description (optional) Detailed description of the item.
unit_cost (optional) Cost of a single unit of this item.
quantity (optional) Number of units purchased.
discount (optional) Discounted amount for this item.
created_at (optional) Date when this item was created.


Parameter Description
id (required) Seller's id
name (optional) Sellers's name
created_at (optional) Date when the seller was created

Sending an order for analysis.

After creating the order, sending it to Konduto's analysis is very simple.

if order.valid?
    # A RuntimeError will be thrown if the response is anything other than 200 OK.
  rescue RuntimeError => e
    # Put any exception handling here.
    p e.message
  p order.errors.messages

Notice that if the analysis fails, a RuntimError will be thrown. Handle it as you wish.

After the analysis, some order attributes will be filled. For example the recommendation.

# The command below should print something like "Konduto recommendation is to APPROVE".
p "Konduto recommendation is to: #{order.recommendation}";

Querying an order from our servers.

In order to do that use the Konduto class in the following way:

order = konduto.get_order order_id # orderId is a String

Updating an order status

# the order status will be set to newStatus if the request succeeds.
konduto.update_order_status(order, new_status, 'some comments');
Parameter Description
status (required) New status for this transaction. Either approved, declined or fraud, when you have identified a fraud or chargeback.
comments (required) Reason or comments about the status update.

Sending requests through a proxy

To send requests through a proxy just build a new Konduto instance and set the proxy host passing the proxy url as parameters of proxy= method. If the proxy requires username and password, just set then at the proxy url you'll pass to proxy= method.

konduto =
konduto.proxy = 'http://server-ip:port/'
# Or, using username and password
konduto.proxy = 'http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@proxy-server:port/'
# use Konduto's API as usual

Reference Tables

Please click here for the Currency and Category reference tables.


If you experience problems sending orders for analysis, querying orders or updating order status, it might be a good idea to call konduto.debug(). This will print out the API Key, the endpoint, the request body and the response body.


Feel free to end us a feedback via email or open an issue if you have some doubts or find out bugs. You can also contact konduto's support team if you have any questions or suggestions!


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