This repo contains materials for an intro to node session which is intended to give an overview of some of the different things that can be achieved using node.js.
The content of this repo is not intended to explain the stuff shown in great depth, it's more of a top-level view to illustrate what can be done, rather than exactly how everything involved works.
As such, feel free to either just checkout the 'completed' branch and play around with the code, or work through the README files if you want a more thorough explanation of what's going on in each example project.
In order to run the projects in this repo you'll need to have a version of node (preferably >=4.0.0
) installed (you can check your version by entering node -v
in a command prompt). You can get the installer from here if you don't have node yet, or want to update.
You'll also need git (or a git client) to clone this repo. That's all the basics you need to get going, although the ffi example does require a fair amount of additional things, if you intend to run it - further details are in the readme for that project.
Each folder contains a mini-project with it's own README which explains some of the concepts being illustrated, and how to complete each exercise, if you want to try it for yourself.
Completed versions of each of the projects will be found on the completed
branch if you just want to skip to a finished version and look at, or play with, the code.
Project walkthroughs:
Here's some links to check out if you want to know more about the basics of node
- Node FUNdamentals - a great article on all the basic concepts in node in decent depth
- Node JS Tutorial (requires signing-in with a github account to view code samples) - a nice intro tutorial, despite the logging-in restriction
- Nodeschool - a series of exercises covering a lot of different areas (the majority of which involve node), and all of the exercises run using node itself!
- How To Node - a blog containing lots of node-related articles and tutorials
- Why the hell would I use node js - an article analysing various practical use-cases for node and what the pros and cons are in each application
- Node - The bad parts - this piece covers some of the drawbacks/pitfalls inherent to node.js
- 10 reasons to use node - describes some of the advantages node has going for it