Over the course of an afternoon, I've hacked out a proof-of-concept compiler for translating something vaguely resembing FORTH into Hexes for the Minecraft mod Hex Casting. Surprisingly, this isn't the worst thing I've ever written. Still pretty bad, though.
There are a number of problems with this compiler, including but not limited to the fact that the code is entirely uncommented as well as being a total and utter mess, the fact that the whole "webapp" thing was tacked on at the very end of the process, and that the very few error messages I've included in the compiler are extremely cryptic and lack line numbers of any kind.
Most of these issues are a result of the fact that I have never written a compiler before.
If, despite all those issues, you still want to use this, there are a couple of things you should know:
- A list of words which compile to Hex Patterns can be found here.
- Ideally, there would be more documentation than this regarding things. There isn't, and this iteration of things isn't likely to get any.
- In order to use the "Bookkeeper's Gambit", make a number literal as a bitmask followed by
.- For example,
1010 mask
compiles toBookkeeper's Gambit: -v-v
- For example,
- Functions look like
: function-name some words go here ;
Oh yeah, and the web app can be found here.
Seriously, I have no idea what I'm doing. Send help.