Builds mesos docker image
$ sudo docker build -t <your username>/mesos .
$ sudo docker run -d -p 5050:5050 <your username>/mesos
It launches master by default at localhost:5050
###Yeah I know that I need to find a better way
1. Start a container as master.
2. Change the name of the docker container so it is easy to link
$ sudo docker ls -a
$ sudo docker link <old name found by step above> <new easy to remember name>
3. Start slave container with the following command
$ sudo docker run -link /<name of container> -i -t <your username>/mesos /bin/bash
4. Find the master ip address
$ env
5. Use the ip address of the linked container as the --master argument
$ mesos-slave --master=<ip address of linked container>:<port of linked container>