This script was designed for use with PDQ Deploy to create an inventory and update network drives for all users profiles on a computer. This script has only been tested on Windows 10 computers, please do your own testing before deploying this script.
PDQ Inventory Setup:
- Go to Options > Scan Profiles
- Create a new scan profile
- I named mine "Network Drive Scan"
- Add a Registry scanner with the following settings
- Include Pattern(s): SOFTWARE\Admin Arsenal\InventoryData\NetworkDrives-*\*
- Save the new scan profile
PDQ Deploy Setup:
- Create a CSV file on a network share that your deployment user has access to. See the example CSV: PDQ-NetworkDrives-Replace.csv
- Update line 2 of the script to point to that CSV file
- Create a PDQ Deployment to run the Powershell script and paste the code from pdq-inventory-network-drives.ps1 in there
- Under the script properties
- Set "Scanning" to "Scan After Deployment"
- Select the scan profile we just made before
- Save your deployment and test it on some non-production clients