Enhanced native fetch implementation for real world use cases.
- Middleware
- Ex: Override headers
- Handlers
- Run in order as added
- Reduce complexity of response handling
- Ex: Parse JSON based on response type then turn it into an error
- Custom Options
- Pass options to middleware and handlers
- Error Handling
- Define error handler to format error responses
Handler: parseJSON
- Parse fetch responses into based on content-type
Middleware: sendJSON
- Set fetch json headers
Middleware: query
- Adds query-string stringification for url query
- Utility to know if abort error
- 'tryCatch' method extraction?
- Method to look at error info to determine error type?
- Helper methods for creating with middleware/handlers
- set fetchOpts/headers if don't exist
- set userOpts if dont' exist
Typescript node library.
- Linting/formatting to utilize caching and avoid an extra code style process.
- Uses prettier rules to apply prettier formatting.
- Used as a eslint plugin to support formatting
- Configured to run typescript with transform paths.