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Customizable output format for redirected output

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@johnkerl johnkerl released this 21 Aug 12:37

In a natural follow-on to the 4.4.0 redirected-output feature, the 4.5.0 release allows your tap-files to be in a different output format from the main program output.

For example, using

mlr --icsv --opprint ... then put --ojson 'tee > "mytap-".$a.".dat", $*' then ...

the input is CSV, the output is pretty-print tabular, but the tee-files output is written in JSON format. Likewise --ofs, --ors, --ops, --jvstack, and all other output-formatting options from the main help at mlr -h and/or man mlr default to the main command-line options, and may be overridden with flags supplied to mlr put and mlr tee.


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