Memory Matching.. which I renamed Emoji Matching!
My wireframe of the project can be found here ---> [https://docs.google.com/document/d/148HuOdfEaztgpv9sMiTwHfI7Oo5OSt8EyqFYq1vSpGo/edit?usp=sharing]
How to play:
Once player opens site, they will be prompted to click Start which in turn woill begin the timer of 60 seconds and game will begin. The game will begin with all the cards flipped over showing the back side, in a 4 by 4 table consisting of 16 cards. The player must then click a card to see which emoji is hiding behind it. Once the player sees the emoji, they will need to click another card to see if it matches. If the card matches, the cards will stay flipped up and player will be notified that they have found a match. If the cards dont match, the player will be notified that the cards dont match and the cards will proceed to flip over. Each flip the player does, will be counted in the flips counter in the left side of the screen. Object of the game is for the player to memorize where each card is if it is not a match, and try to match all the cards before the time runs out. If time runs out or player wins the game, they will have access to a Play Again button which will refresh the page and shuffle the cards.
Creating this Emoji Matching game was a great experience. I learned many new things when it comes to software development. In order to build this game, I used HTML to set up the website with the important variables. Used CSS to 'decorate' the game to make it look fun and approachable. Lastly, used Javscript to make the game actually work. Made the Start button begin the game, Play Again button to refresh the gameboard, and made each individual card clickable to flip them over and show their respective emoji.
Photos of game:
This screen shot shows the main game screen player sees when the site loads!
This screen shot shows when a player makes a correct match!
Lastly, this screen shot shows when a player completes the game!
Photos of code I enjoyed and which gave me the most trouble:
This piece of code is what gave me the most trouble! I definitely struggled the most with making the cards flip back over if it is an incorrect match.
This piece is what was the most fun for me and the piece i enjoyed making and proud of completeing it. Love how I was able to count each flip the player makes.
- Visit and play Emoji Matching here!! ---> ["https://joeycalt.github.io/Matching-project/"]