iza is tiny container runtime (like Docker)
root@joey:/home/joey/workspace/iza# ./bin/iza run alpine /bin/sh
Running Container...
/ # cat /etc/os-release | grep NAME=
NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.19"
/ #
I was learning how conatiner works, Turn outs its just chroot and syscalls
although this is tiny and not OCI compilent,it's still pretty powerfull
you can run nginx with (no port mapping required using host network)
make all
## run
./bin/iza run hello-wrold
- be nice
- raise pr with explanatory title
All This is just chroot and syscall for isolation, that why container run so efficently
Initially I thought I will write blog on it but there two wonder full talk that are good enough to anyone to understand
I am reading turtles all the way down main character in book has nickname aza, I miss speed it while creating project iza