- check env
- draw y=ax+b line
- 1 variable regression
- 2 variables regression
- 2 variables regression and predict
- make_regression
- sort by columns
- diabetes regression
- reshape to change/alter array size
- view, copy and assignment
- copy & view diff
- draw iris
- species V.S. petal width
- logistic regression & cross validation
- svc
- svc with iris
- svc with iris (pca)
- simple decision tree
- decision tree
- decision tree iris
- seaborn iris
- kmean_sklearn
- kmean manual
- list, copy & deep copy
- kmean sklearn (from demo23)
- kmean(explained)
- unsupervised nearest neighbor
- iris with KNN
- simple naive bayes
- 2d plot for naive bayes
- 3d iris
- 2d iris
- PCA for a matrix
- hello tensor
- tensor operation
- heron using tensor-1
- heron using tensor-2
import tensorflow as tf
- https://www.kaggle.com/uciml/pima-indians-diabetes-database
- pima indian diabetes copy csv to data\
jupyter-notebook demo43_explained
- manual train_test_split
- 5 fold
- GridSearch cross validation
- GridSearch cross validation
- tensorflow with iris
- softmax
- imdb introduction
- imdb (explained)
- mnist dataset
- categorical
- reuter
- boston