This repo contains Azure Container Apps sample apps. These samples can be deployed using their included deployment scripts—these require a Bash shell. Some of the projects have been updated to make use of the Azure Developer CLI and can be run on either Bash (macOS, Linux) or PowerShell (Windows).
A collection of demo applications for Azure Container Apps
A .NET 8 worker service that reads messages from Azure Queue Storage using KEDA to scale to zero.
A Go "Hello World" API that can be used as quick start and to demo revisions, configuration and structured logging using Logrus.
A Go "To Do" API that uses chi
for routing and pgx
to access PostgreSQL. It demonstrates passwordless access to an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server and structured logging using the slog package.
A Go application that demonstrates the use of the KEDA Cron scaler to mimic a cron job with Azure Container Apps.
This sample predates the availability of Scheduled Jobs. Check out those first!
A Spring Boot "To Do" API that uses JPA to access a PostgreSQL database (adopted from Azure's Spring Boot docs). It demonstrates passwordless access to an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server, structured logging and using Datadog's Azue Container Apps agent.