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Releases: joergboe/testframework
Releases · joergboe/testframework
Release 3.5.2
- Preamble continuation lines must not remove leading whitespaces
- Allow tool imports in property file
- Remove deprecated variables in Streams1 sample
Release 3.5.1
- Timeout in test case preambl is not used if the value is lesser than the timeout in property TTPR_timeout
Version 3.5.1:
- Correct timer properties handling for nested suites
Release 3.4.1
- Remove unnecessary echos
Release 3.3.1
New in Version 3.3.1:
- Allow compile time parameters in function splCompile
Release 3.3.0
- Print no warning if cancelJob is used in finalization phase and empty job variable
- Correction spl compile when TT_toolkitPath is empty or not existent
- Better function parameter check in utils function setFailure: must not be called with an empty argument
- New utils functions : checkAllFilesExist, checkLineCount and checkAllFilesEqual
- Enhancements in toolkit FileSink1
- Add spldocs of spl toolkit
- New streamsutils functions cancelJobAndLogVariable and cancelJobAndLogVariable
Release 3.2.0
- New command line option --load-reduce
- Use variables TTPR_noStartxxx, TTPR_noStopxxx instead of TTPRN_ variables
- New functions cleanUpInstAndDomainAtStop and cleanUpInstAndDomainAtStart
- Evaluate skip attributes if a cases list is given as command line parameter
- Add skipped cases in special summary file
Release 3.0.1
Bugfix release:
- Add version number to final summary
- Correction for more then 9 arguments
Release 3.0.0
New Features:
- new command line option --summary
- Corrections in streams utils: better jobno handling; submitjob may have optional submission time params
- New command line parameter -s|--sequential - Sequential test execution and option -j with new semantics
- Per default a suite has no category
- Function setFailure with better state check
- New functions: setSkip, isSkip. Print reason for skipped cases and failures
- correction in props TTPRN and added property test
- Print skip reason and failure reason to index
- Suites with error cases are now in read in html
- Allow preambl lienes to be continued
- Add command line option --clean to enable clean start of streams instances
- Write protect used utils and other functions
- correct identifier character class of variants to 0-9a-zA-Z-_
- Produce global SUMMARY.txt file
- Allow preambl lines to be continued
- Better jobid control. Now re-used jobids should not cause errors
- Use other formatting in web index
- Add elapsed time and add result to special report
- New replacement in New function morphFile:
patterns like <#$varname#> are replaced with the expansion of $varname
Release v2.9.0
- New function copyAndMorph now works with expressions like:
^[[:space:]]//varid1:varid2.. are effective if the argument $3 equal one of the varid1, or varid2..
^[[:space:]]//<!varid1:varid2> are not effective if the argument $3 equal one of the varid1, or varid2..
and is able to work with lists of version ids in one line - Better logging of job and pid specification
- Introduced special report for suites for automated tests
- Check variant id for valid characters [a-zA-Z0-0_]
- New option setVar xtraprint
- Make domain now with checkpointRepository and fileStoragePath
Release 2.7.2
- New functions to get streams job health: jobHealthyVariable, jobHealthy, jobHealthyAndIntercept,
- New function to wait for final file and check health: waitForFinAndHealth
- New utils function: trim, getSystemLoad, getSystemLoad100
- Print the elapsed time