This repository has been archived by the owner on May 5, 2023. It is now read-only.
Release 3.0.0
New Features:
- new command line option --summary
- Corrections in streams utils: better jobno handling; submitjob may have optional submission time params
- New command line parameter -s|--sequential - Sequential test execution and option -j with new semantics
- Per default a suite has no category
- Function setFailure with better state check
- New functions: setSkip, isSkip. Print reason for skipped cases and failures
- correction in props TTPRN and added property test
- Print skip reason and failure reason to index
- Suites with error cases are now in read in html
- Allow preambl lienes to be continued
- Add command line option --clean to enable clean start of streams instances
- Write protect used utils and other functions
- correct identifier character class of variants to 0-9a-zA-Z-_
- Produce global SUMMARY.txt file
- Allow preambl lines to be continued
- Better jobid control. Now re-used jobids should not cause errors
- Use other formatting in web index
- Add elapsed time and add result to special report
- New replacement in New function morphFile:
patterns like <#$varname#> are replaced with the expansion of $varname