ROS package 3D motion planner for UAVs VToL. Plan a new trajectory specifying initial and final position using a geometry_msgs::Pose type. Trajectory constraints are used to ensure a maximum velocity/acceleration/jerk.
To use the motion_planner package in your ROS system just clone it in your src directory:
$ git clone
And compile the catkin workspace:
$ roscd && cd ..
$ catkin_make
To start the motion planner package you can use the launch file placed into the package directory:
$ roslaunch motion_planner motion_planner.launch
You can also use this file to set the desired parameters:
- V_max: maximum linear trajectory velocity [m/s]
- A_max: maximum linear acceleration velocity [m/s^2]
- J_max: maximum linear jerk velocity [m/s^3]
- aV_max: maximum angular trajectory velocity [rad/s]
- aA_max: maximum angular acceleration velocity [rad/s^2]
- aJ_max: maximum angular jerk velocity [rad/s^3]
This package servers planning requests with a standard ROS service called /generate_tarjectory:
- Service request:
- geometry_msgs/Pose p_i: starting point of the trajectory
- geometry_msgs/Pose p_f: final point of the trajectory
- Service response:
- trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory traj: the generated trajectory containing position, velocity and acceleration for x, y, z and yaw