API project template based on Django 2.1 (and higher)
, and DRF 3.8 (and higher)
- Django REST Framework (DRF)
- DRF Cache support (for rdb and cassandra models)
- DRF Throttle support by ViewSet and request action (retrieve, list, create, update, etc.)
- DRF Token Authentication (no username needed, Bearer token)
- PostgreSQL backend for miscellaneous models (User, Token, etc.)
- DSE Cassandra backend for business models
- Configuration of Cassandra-DRF serializers
- Support for JSONField in Cassandra (Text field)
- Support for pre/post callbacks in CassandraModel (DRF cache clean actions)
- DRF-Haystack-DSE support to support fast searches (DSE-Solr) with model examples
- Command to synchronize the DSE tables with the needed search indexes
- Swagger view of the API documentation
- Google App Engine Flexible (Custom) support
- PGBouncer Connection Pool supported in the Docker image
To run the tests we only need to run the following instruction:
$ python manage.py test --testrunner=caravaggio_rest_api.testrunner.TestRunner
The output will be something like:
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Creating test database for alias 'cassandra'...
Creating keyspace test_apian [CONNECTION cassandra] ..
Syncing davinci_crawling.example.models.BovespaCompany
Syncing davinci_crawling.example.models.BovespaCompanyFile
Syncing davinci_crawling.example.models.BovespaAccount
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Avoid the destruction of the database after the tests have finished and the indexes synchronization:
$ python manage.py test --testrunner=caravaggio_rest_api.testrunner.TestRunner --keepdb --keep-indexes
In Sierra/Mojave MAC OSX:
$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*
$ sudo install -d -o $(whoami) -g admin /usr/local/Frameworks
$ brew install gdal
In Sierra/Mojave MAC OSX:
$ brew install libev
Available operations:
'content': u'%s',
'contains': u'*%s*',
'endswith': u'*%s',
'startswith': u'%s*',
'exact': u'%s',
'gt': u'{%s TO *}',
'gte': u'[%s TO *]',
'lt': u'{* TO %s}',
'lte': u'[* TO %s]',
'fuzzy': u'%s~',
'in': u'("%s"... OR ... "%s")'
'range': u'[%s TO %s]'
Boosting term:
Geo Spatial searches: