Terraform code to provision Kind clusters on top of GCE Instances
- Generate the SSH Key on your local machine:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/nephio.pub -C nephio -b 2048
- Fill in the required parameters in compute_instances.tf file:
# Compute Instances parameters definition
ssh_public_key_path = "xxxxx"
ssh_private_key_path = "xxxxx"
num_vms = NUMBER
user = "ubuntu" - must be this one unless we autogenerate the kind_setup.yaml as it is performed on the ansible hosts inventory
- Choose if you want to configure the VMs through the script method or through and ansible role by uncommenting the specific section in compute_instances.tf file:
# # VM configuration through bash script
# # Needs some reworking if using more than "nephio-poc" object in locals
# resource "null_resource" "config_vm" {
# count = local.num_vms
# connection {
# type = "ssh"
# user = local.user
# private_key = file(local.ssh_private_key_path)
# host = module.compute_instances["nephio-poc"].instances_details[count.index].*.network_interface[0].*.access_config[0].*.nat_ip[0]
# }
# provisioner "remote-exec" {
# script = "../scripts/startup.sh"
# }
# }
# # VM configuration through ansible playbooks
# resource "local_file" "ansible_inventory" {
# content = templatefile("../ansible_kind/hosts.tftpl", { hosts = { for k, vm in module.compute_instances : k => vm.instances_details[*].*.network_interface[0].*.access_config[0].*.nat_ip[0] }, user = local.user })
# filename = "../ansible_kind/hosts"
# depends_on = [module.compute_instances]
# }
# resource "null_resource" "config_vm" {
# provisioner "local-exec" {
# command = "ansible-playbook -i '../ansible_kind/hosts' --private-key ${local.ssh_private_key_path} ../ansible_kind/kind_setup.yaml"
# }
# depends_on = [local_file.ansible_inventory]
# }
- Change the parameters in the general.auto.tfvars file:
# General Settings
project_id = "xxxxx"
region = "xxxxx"
zone = "xxxxx"
- To run the terraform code locally run:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
To access the VM after creation run: