An application that can tell the 5 day weather forcast for a given city and/or region
The Weather App was built using React.js bootstrapped using create-react-app, using npm to manage my project and its node modules:
Prereqs: Have Node installed, clone repo
Step 1: npm install
Step 2: Create .env file
I provided a .env.example as a starting point. It has the URLs for the free apis . The only thing needed to run is a the free appIds. You can get it from:
Step 3: npm start
The reason why I ended up using another api was to get the timezone for each city's weather information I was getting back. OWM does not provided the timezone or offset of the time in reference to UTC (at least not from what I saw)
Everything should work :D
- Because The Weather App is a SPA, the user will have to download a larger bundle. This could be solved by code splitting.
- SEO could also be a potential issue with a full SPA, this could be solved by server side rendering. If a web crawler does not/cannot does not use javascript, it won't see the site.
- Similar to 2, if the user has javascript disabled, they wont be able to see the site.
- Try to display the information in a more aesthetically pleasing. All the other weather apps I saw graph the increase of decrease in temperature. It would be cool to make graphs over time for the information at the very least.
- Figure out a more accurate way to calculate what logo I need to show on the 5 day panels.
- Try to manipulate and organize the json cityID lookup to be more user friendly. Some cities have multiple id's and can be confusing, as it just shows multiple cities.