This repository contains code for the A Deep Metric for Multimodal Registration framework presented in the paper (DMMR 2016)
- Clone this repository
- In a fresh Python 3.7+ virtual environment, install dependencies by running:
pip install -r <path_to_cloned_repository>/requirements.txt
We use Hydra for structured configurations.
Each directory in conf/
is a config group which contains alternative configurations for that group.
The final configuration is the composition of all config groups.
The default options for the groups are set in conf/config.yaml
To use a different configuration for a group, for example the loss function:
python loss=<hinge/bce/ce> ...
Any configuration in this structure can be conveniently over-written in CLI at runtime. For example, to change the regularisation weight at runtime:
python<your_lr> ...
See Hydra documentation for more details.
├── conf
│ ├── config.yaml # Main config file
│ ├── data # Dataset specific config files
│ │ ├── brats.yaml
│ │ ├── camcan.yaml
│ │ └── ixi.yaml
│ ├── loss # Loss specific config files
│ │ ├── bce.yaml
│ │ ├── ce.yaml
│ │ └── hinge.yaml
│ ├── network # Network specific config files
│ │ ├── dmmr_multiclass.yaml
│ │ ├── dmmr_sigmoid.yaml
│ │ └── dmmr_tanh.yaml
│ └── training # Training/trainer related configuration
│ └── training.yaml
├── data
│ └── # Datamodules for different datasets
├── # Utility for JIT compilation of DMMR model
├── # Inference script
├── model
│ ├── # DMMR Lightning module definition
│ ├── # DMMR utility functions
│ └── # DMMR network specification
├── # Training script
└── utils # Handy utility functions
To train the default model, simply change the .yaml
files in the conf
folder and then run:
Training logs and outputs will be saved in outputs/YYYY-MM-DD/HH-min-sec
On default settings, a checkpoint of the model will be saved at {output_dir}/checkpoints/last.ckpt
A copy of the configurations will be saved to model_dir/.hydra
As mentioned above, you can overwrite any configuration in CLI at runtime, or change the default values in conf/
To compile the model to a TorchScript JIT model, run:
python --ckpt_path <path_to_checkpoint> --model_name <name_of_model> --verbose
The model will then be saved under outputs/dmmr_models/
with the specified name <name_of_model>
To run inference on a trained model, run:
python --source_path <path_to_source_image> --target_path <path_to_target_image> --model_path <path_to_jit_model> --angle_range <angle_range> (format: start_angle:end_angle:step) --translation_range <translation_range> (format start_translation:end_translation:step) --zero_percentage_threshold <threshold> --patch_size <patch_size> --axis <axis> (can be x, y, z or xyz)
This script will then plot the similarity curves with respect to the specified axis (both for translation and rotation) for the specified source and target images given the trained model.