Projects developed as part of a Computer Networks course @FEUP
A data link layer protocol, with a simple file transfer application to test it
Implement a data link layer protocol, according to the specification below
- This protocol implements transmitter and receiver functionality to transfer a file stored on a computer hard disk between computers connected through a RS-232 serial cable
Develop a simple file transfer application transfer to test the protocol implemented
Final Grade: 19.7
A download application for the FTP and the configuration and study of a computer network
Develop a download application for the FTP
- Understand the FTP and later use this application to analyse the computer network configured
Configure and analyse a computer network
- Through a series of experiments, develop a better understanding of the concepts of computer networks, compare and use the main technologies of the above-mentioned;
- Implement, configure and evaluate key mechanisms and components of computer networks.
Final Grade: 19.8