Releases: jmichelp/sdrsharp-bladerf
Releases · jmichelp/sdrsharp-bladerf
sdrshard-bladerf v0.3
- Libbladerf updated to the latest version as of March, 16th 2016
- Implemented new interfaces to comply to SDRSharp r1443
- Swapped I and Q samples as SDRSharp now expects that
- Moved to .Net Framework 4.6
- Works and compile also on Linux
sdrsharp-bladerf v0.2.1
- v0.2 was tagged before pushing the new files hence the v0.2.1
- Libbladerf and tools upgraded to the latest version (v1.2.1)
- XB200 fully supported
- sampling seems stable and allows on-the-fly changes
- Both Cypress backend and Libusb backend are supported
- Added a manifest to the assembly
- few bug fixes
First stable release
v0.1 Updated libbladerf