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API assessment


This is a simple API that allows you to manage films.

Decisions taken

  • First, I decided to develop the API endpoints, then the JWT authentication and finally dockerize the API.
  • I will use Gorilla Mux for the API endpoints.
    • First, because it widely used in the Go community (documentation, examples, etc.)
    • Second, because it is the one I am most familiar with.
  • I will use GORM for the database management, because it is the one I am most familiar with.
  • I will use the package for the JWT authentication, as it seems to be the most used one.
  • I will use the package for validations, as it seems to be widely used in the community.


First, clone the repository.

Now, at the project root:

  1. Run docker build -t films-api . to build the API image.
  2. Run docker-compose up -d to start both the API and the database. It will start the API on port 8080 and the database on port 3360, both exposed to the host, and it may take a few seconds for the database to be ready.
  3. (Optional) Run mysql --protocol=TCP -u film -pfilm -D films < seed.sql to seed the database with some data.


I have added a Postman collection with the endpoints and some examples.

You can log in with an existing user (endpoint /login existing) or create a new one to log in with it, and then use the JWT token to access the other endpoints (only the /login and /register endpoints are public). The JWT token must be sent in the Authorization header, with the Bearer prefix, so I recommend setting it in the collection Authorization tab.

A collection variable URL is used on the endpoints, it should be set to localhost:PORT (in this case, localhost:8080).