Install and configure Theia-IDE on supported cloud images.
Supported cloud images are:
- Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) LTS - default user: ubuntu
- Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) LTS - default user: ubuntu
- Debian Stretch (9) - default user: debian
- CentOS 7- default user: centos
Other distros based on Debian or RHEL might also work.
The role comes with an (in my opinion) useful default configuration. The following variables are supported and can be used to modify the setup.
- nvm_install_dir: /opt/nvm
- theia_ide_user: default is the ansible user
- theia_ide_workspace: default is the ansible users homedir
- theia_ide_install_dir: /opt/theia-ide
- theia_ide_bind_address: localhost
- theia_ide_bind_port: 8080
Attention ! Theia-IDE (and also this role) does not come with any kind of auth mechanism. The idea is to leave the auth part to the webserver / reverse proxy. However if you need this feature you have to take care about it by yourself.
Depending on your cloud image the playbook (and the hosts file) might look different.
[ubuntu1804] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
[ubuntu1604] ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
[debian9] ansible_ssh_user=debian
[centos] ansible_ssh_user=centos
- hosts: ubuntu1804
become: 'yes'
gather_facts: false
- name: Install python2 on Ubuntu 18.04 cloud-image
raw: bash -c "test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -qqy update && apt-get install -qqy python-minimal)
register: output
changed_when: output.stdout != ""
- name: Gathering facts
- jkrue.theia_ide
- hosts: ["ubuntu1804","debian","centos"]
become: 'yes'
- jkrue.theia_ide
Run the playbook on all hosts:
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml