Clone the Repository and install from the root directory with
npm install
Edit the project title in
Switch to the studio folder with
cd studio
, install the dependencies (npm install
) and initialize Sanity (sanity init
) -
Edit the project title in
Update the studio with
sanity upgrade
Switch to the web folder with
cd ../web
and install the dependencies withnpm install
Copy the
, rename it to.env
and config the variables. -
Go to sanity.io/manage and add
as a CORS origin.
Run the following commands from root:
# serve sanity studio at localhost:3333
# serve nuxt with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build static versions of studio and frontend for production
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# build only static frontend
$ npm run build-web
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out the Sanity resources.
To avoid errors in the frontend, publish your Options page in Sanity.
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out the Nuxt documentation.
In Netlify add two separate sites with "studio" / "web" as the base directories. The rest of the build settings is handled by the netlify.toml
Add the same variables on Netlify as in the .env
in your local web folder and in the .env.development
in your local studio folder.
With the Netlify Deploy Plugin the studio user can trigger a static build directly from the Sanity dashboard. To set it up:
In Netlify in your frontend project you need to set up a build hook in Settings > Build & deploy.
Copy the build hook id and save it as a environment variable in your studios
as well as in the netlify studio project. -
From Netlifys Frontend project in General > Site details copy the API ID and save it in your studios
as well as in the netlify studio project. -
After a Rebuild the deploy plugin in the studios dashboard can be used to trigger static builds.