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Using pmbuilder and pmextractor

NOTE:This README is a work in progress.


PlatformModuleBuilder is a set of tools to make importing and exporting Modules from AppXpress easy and painless!

Use Case

pmbuilder consumes command line arguments to take a specifically structured platform module and zip it up into a correctly formatted importable zip file. (located in a (local/remote) git repository).

pmextractor takes an exported zip file and merges it with your current local working directory. pmextractor performs the opposite function as pmbuilder, and maps the exported module to a human readable file structure.

Directory Overview and Git Structure

The local working directory should have the same structure as the one found in stash under pso/platform. Specifically, the repository should have a customer/ and lib/ folder. The customer/ folder contains folders for different customers, under which there are custom object folders. The lib folder contains reusable javascript files.

├── platform/
│  ├── customer/
│  │   ├── aCustomer/
│  │   │   ├── commonScript
│  │   │   ├── CustomObjectModule
│  │   │   │   ├── designs
│  │   │   │   ├── xsd
│  │   │   ├── PlatformLocalization
│  │   │   ├── TypeExtension

Building Jar from Eclipse

Both of the jar executables, pmbuilder`Util` and pmextractorUtil, are built with JRE 1.7. If your current java version is not 1.7, you might run into some problems running the the jars. Check your java -version by entering in the following command ->

$ java -version

If it is not 1.7, it is safest to build your own jar using the source code found in the src/PM_Builder and src/PM_extractor folders respectively. Steps to build a jar in eclipse follow.

  • Open a new java project by going to File->Java Project

  • Drag the source code found in src/PM_Builder/src into the src folder of your new project

  • Right click on your project name , go into Build Path->Configure Build Path and navigate to the libraries tab

  • Add the jar that is found in the src/Libraries folder in this Git Repository, called zip4j_1.3.2.jar

  • Press ok

  • Now, right click again on your project name, click on export then under java click on runnable jar file

  • For the pmbuilder, make the launch config PlatformModuleBuilder and export it with the name pmbuilderUtil.

  • For the pmextractor, make the launch config GitMap and export it with the name pmextractorUtil.

  • Underneath the location and the launch config you will see three radio buttons. Make sure the middle one, Packaged required libraries into generated JAR, is selected.

  • Place each new jar with its corresponding bash script and it should run fine.

Running pmbuilder

pmbuilder should be run in its own folder. This folder should contain pmbuilderUtil. pmbuilderUtil.jar is found in this repository. pmbuilder uses Git, so Git must be installed but no knowledge of Git is required to run the script. It is important to note that pmbuilder should not be run in the same folder as your local git working directory, as it could cause conflicts. The script is standalone, and will re pull changes from git every time it runs.

$ `pmbuilder`

Using PM Builder's Import Utility

The pmbuilderUtil.jar can add common files to any folder in your file structure. Use ->

!import commonFile.js

to import a file from the lib folder in your repository.

The following examples will import correctly:

// !import commonFile.js

// !import commonFile1.js,commonFile2,js,etc.js

// !import x.js y.js z.js


  !import example.js


This following example will not import the file correctly ->

    Top comment

function myFunction () {
  // code
  //!import alpha.js
//!import example.js

Note: The import utility does not continue to look for !import statement once the top comment has ended in order to run more efficiently. Therefore, any text not in a comment will cause the scanner to end looking at a particular script.


The following options can be set to run with pmbuilder

-h		displays options on how to set the property file

-f		sets platform module folder

-c 		set customer

-b 		set branch to pull from repository

Running pmextractor

pmextractor is a bash that automates the process of exporting a custom module and merging with your local working directory. pmextractor backs up the current working directory before the merge and supplies two options, overWrite Fef and overWrite scripts. Currently, the bash script will prompt you for a y or n to both options. pmextractor must be run in a place where it can access your local directory and exported platform module.

pmextractor similarly has a property file that stores the working directory, the name of the exported platform module, the platform module folder, and the customers name. pmextractor is following the same structure as the one found in stash pso/platform. Enter bash pmextractor -h to view various options in setting or clearing the property file.


The following options can be set to run with pmextractor

-h		displays options on how to set the property file

-o		sets the script to overwrite FEF and scripts

-f		sets the script to overwrite FEF

-s		sets the script to overwrite scripts

-i 		sets the script to not overwrite FEF or scripts

-g		set git local directory

-p      set platform folder name

-c      set customer folder name

-z      set exported zip folder name

pmbuilder and pmextractor's Properties File

Both scripts allow for quick reuse by supplying a property file. The extractor's property file can store exported folder name, local directory name, customer name, and platform module name. The builder's property file can store repository url, repository branch, customer name, and platform module name. The property files are called and and can be found in your home /.platformtools folder. For each , Run -> bash pmbuilder -help or bash pmextractor -help to view the different options for each respective script.


Tools to help with Importing/Exporting Platform Modules






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