Characterising subgenome recombination and chromosomal imbalances (introgressions) using Relative Averaged Alignment (RAA) and Relative Coverage (RC) metrics.
This repository contains the code used in the analysis of our paper Higgins et al. [citation TBA], where we delimited population structure and clonal lineages in a diversity panel of 188 banana and plantain accessions from the most common cultivars using admixture, principal component, and phylogenetic analyses.
We developed two novel scalable alignment-based methods, named Relative Averaged Alignment (RAA) and Relative Coverage (RC), to infer subgenome composition (AA, AAB, etc.) and interspecific recombination.
Please reuse our code and ideas. If you use anything in this repository, please cite: Higgins et al. [citation TBA]
If you need help to use or adapt any of these scripts, or to develop your own code on these method ideas, please open an issue in this repository. This will help to create a FAQ that will be of benefit to others.
The paper's code is organised into two subfolders:
Folder Introgression_detection: This subfolder contains the code to obtain and plot the new metrics, called Relative Averaged Alignment (RAA) and Relative Coverage starting from BAM alignment files (e.g. from BWA or Bowtie) for each sample.
Folder Population_structure: SNP calling pipeline (based on BWA, GATK and BCFTOOLS); and bash and R code for Principal Component Analysis, phylogenetic analysis and tree plotting, and bash and R scripts to analyse with STRUCTURE
The code is uploaded as it is, and will require changes to adapt to your needs.
Go bananas! Straight-forward detection of introgressions from BAM files (+ evidence the methods work)
In Higgins et al. [citation TBA] we demonstrated RAA and Relative Coverage can identify subgenome composition and introgressions with similar results to more complex approaches that rely on SNP databases, which require sequencing a panel of wild ancestors to find private SNPs. Our methods can be used without a panel of ancestors as rely on alignment from the hybrids or allopolyploids in the ancestor reference genomes.
[images and plots to be added here]
Ancestry determination (sometimes called ancestry mosaics) are typically built by first identifying SNPs exclusively present in each of the (wild) ancestral subspecies (private SNPs). These approaches are costly, both economically (sequencing costs) and time (complex bioinformatic analysis).
By contrast, we believe these alignment-based methods (RAA and Relative Coverage) offer several advantages over other methods.
- The alignment-based methods do not require sequencing a large number of donors to find private SNPs exclusive to each donor gene pools.
- The alignment-based methods can be used in closely related gene pools, even within one single species, where private SNPs can be hard to find because of recent divergence. This has allowed us to identify introgressions between indica and japonica rice (Higgins et al. 2021), or between Andean and Mesoamerican beans (in prep).
- The alignment-base methods can be easily scaled up, as they do not require SNP calling and analysis, allowing to quick incorporation in the studies of new diversity panels and the increasing number of long-read genome assemblies.
- On the other hand, the main disadvantage of "Relative Coverage" is it requires experience to distinguish introgressions in low donor ratios.
We used comparisons of read depth, which we called Relative Coverage, to to identify introgressions. It is key to notice that we do not use SNPs. The method builds on the idea that the reads in hybrid, e.g. AAB, need to map twice to the A reference for each one's alignment to the B reference on average, and any deviation from this expectation is indicative of introgressions.
After preprocessing reads to obtain clean trimmed reads (e.g. trim_galore), proceed to align them with BWA-MEM, using the options -M and -k 35, against a synthetic reference genome generated by CONCATENATING THE REFERENCES FROM THE ANCESTORS (i.e. one reference Fasta from the concatenation of both ancestors Fasta). Previously, chrs names were renamed to indicate origin, e.g. AA_chr1, BB_chr1, etc.
awk '/^>/{print ">AA_chr" ++i; next}{print}' A_ancestor.fa > A_renamed.fa awk '/^>/{print ">BB_chr" ++i; next}{print}' B_ancestor.fa > B_renamed.fa cat A_renamed.fa B_renamed.fa > AB.fa bwa index AB.fa AB.idx for myID in $(hybrids_list.txt); do bwa mem -M -k 35 -R "@RG\tID:${myID}\tSM:${myID}" -t 1 AB.idx \ <(gzip -dc ${myID}/basic/*_R1_val_1.fq.gz) <(gzip -dc ${myID}/basic/*_R2_val_2.fq.gz) \ | samtools view -@ 1 -b -S -h - | samtools sort -@ 1 -T ${myID}.tmp -o ${myID}_AB_sort.bam; done;
BAM files were sorted and duplicated reads were removed. Only uniquely mapped reads were retained by excluding reads with the tags 'XA:Z:' and 'SA:Z:', and further filtered to retain only properly mapped paired reads (-f 0x2).
for file in *.bam; do #samtools-1.7 samtools view -h ${file} | grep -v -e 'XA:Z:' -e 'SA:Z:' | samtools view -h -f 0x2 | samtools view -b > ${file}_unique.bam done
BEDtools genomeCoverageBed with the alignments from each sample (BAM input) to obtain a Bedgraph file for each sample.
samtools faidx AB.fa cat AB.fa.fai | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2}' > AB.chr_lenghts.txt for file in *_unique.bam; do #bedtools-2.24.0 genomeCoverageBed -bg -split -ibam ${file} -g AB.chr_lenghts.txt > ${file}.bedgraph done;
BEDtools map to obtain the median of the read coverage or read depth values in the positions within a given 100 Kbp window in the concatenated reference
bedtools makewindows -g AB.chr_lenghts.txt -w 100000 > AB_windows100kb.bed for file in *.bedgraph; do #bedtools-2.24.0 bedtools map -a AB_windows100kb.bed -b ${file} -c 4 -o median > ${file}_median_cov.txt done
All-vs-all every 100 Kbp windows in the A-genome and B-genome were aligned to each other using minimap2 v2.22 (-x asm10) to identify homologous windows for plotting
#bedtools-2.26.0 #minimap2-2.22 bedtools getfasta -fi AA_renamed.fa -bed AB_windows100kb.bed > AA_100kb.fasta bedtools getfasta -fi BB_renamed.fa -bed AB_windows100kb.bed > BB_100kb.fasta minimap2 -x asm10 AA_100kb.fasta BB_100kb.fasta | sort -k1,1 -k11,11nr | awk '!x[$1]++' > BBquery_AAtarget.paf minimap2 -x asm10 BB_100kb.fasta AA_100kb.fasta | sort -k1,1 -k11,11nr | awk '!x[$1]++' > AAquery_BBtarget.paf
Plot Relative Coverage (RC) using R and ggplot
library("RColorBrewer") library("ggplot2") library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(stringr) #READ THE OUTPUT FROM BEDTOOLS MAP, NORMALISE IT FOR EACH SUBGENOME, #AND TRANSFORM ONE SUBGENOME AS NEGATIVE VALUES TO PLOT BELOW THE OTHER all<- read.delim ("hybrid1_unique.bam.bedgraph_median_cov.txt", header = FALSE) colnames(all) <- c("chrom","start","end","cov") all$cov <- as.numeric(all$cov) all$cov[$cov)] <- 1 AAchr<- all %>% filter(grepl('AA_chr', chrom)) %>% mutate(chrom = str_replace(chrom,"AA_chr","chr"))> AA_chr$covNormByMean <- AA_chr$cov/mean(AA_chr$cov) #normalise by dividing by the total average BBchr<- all %>% filter(grepl('BB_chr', chrom)) %>% mutate(chrom = str_replace(chrom,"BB_chr","chr"))> BB_chr$covNormByMean <- BB_chr$cov/mean(BB_chr$cov) #normalise by dividing by the total average make.negative <- function(x) -1*abs(x) #make all BB negative for plotting BBchr.negative <- cbind(BBchr,"cov_neg" = make.negative(BB_chr$covNormByMean)) #READ THE OUTPUT FROM MINIMAP minimap <- read.delim("BB_100kbwindows-over-AAv4.longest_alignmentotal.paf", header=F) minimap <- minimap[,c(1,6,8,9)] colnames(minimap) <- c("uniqID","inAA_chr","inAA_start","inAA_stop") #join left both data frames #create UNIQid field needed for merge() in bed format, as chr:startbp-stopbp BBchr.negative$uniqID <- paste0(BBchr.negative$chrom,":",BBchr.negative$start,"-",BBchr.negative$end) BBchr.negative.join <- merge(x=BBchr.negative, y=minimap, by="uniqID", all.x = FALSE) #false to ignore BBs without AA homologous -join left- #PLOT AA_chr$facet <- Achr01$chrom BBchr.negative.join$facet <- BBchr.negative.join$inAA_chr ggplot() + geom_bar(data=Achr01,aes(x=start,y=covNormByMean), stat = "identity",color="dodgerblue") + geom_bar(data=Bchr01negJOIN,aes(x=inAA_start,y=cov_neg), stat = "identity",color="firebrick3") + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-2,3)) + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 5)) + geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="solid", color = "gray40") + geom_hline(yintercept=c(0.5,1,1.5,2), linetype="solid", color = "gray30", alpha=0.3) + geom_hline(yintercept=c(-0.5,-1,-1.5,-2), linetype="solid", color = "gray30", alpha=0.3) + facet_wrap(~facet,ncol=1,strip.position = "right") + theme_classic()
NOTE: When the sequence is equal between the two ancestral genomes (e.g. no sequence divergence between A and B ancestors), some reads mapping over the conserved sequences can be assigned to the incorrect donor, so generating a background signal. On average, over a 100Kb window, there is plenty of variation between the references to distinguish background noise from the proportion of mapping reads evaluated, so it does not affect the method significantly.
We established a new method, called RAA, by quantifying the normalised relative alignment from each accession to three reference banana genomes, which are representative of the A, B and S genome donors. We called this normalised alignment metric “Relative averaged alignment” (RAA). The RAA accounts for the technical variation between samples and reference bias, ie. the phylogenetic distance between a variety and a genome reference.
Preprocessing reads to obtain clean trimmed reads (e.g. trim_galore), then the processed reads were aligned using BWA MEM v0.7.17 (Li, 2013), with the options -M and -R to define read-groups against each genome reference.
#bwa-0.7.17, samtools-1.7 for reference in $(cat ref_fasta_list.txt); do bwa index reference reference.idx for myID in $(hybrids_list.txt); do bwa mem -M -R "@RG\tID:${myID}\tSM:${myID}" -t 1 reference.idx ${myID}_1.fq.gz ${myID}_2.fq.gz | \ samtools view -@ 1 -b -S -h - | samtools sort -@ 1 -T ${myID}.tmp -o ${myID}_${reference}.bam; done done
Obtain alignment statistics using Samtools flagstat v1.7 (Li et al. 2009) for the complete genome or separately for each of the 11 chromosomes in each reference.
#multiple ${myID}_${reference}.bam files for file in *bam; do samtools flagstat ${file} > ${file}.stats.txt done
For each statistics file extract the name and percentage of properly paired read pairs
for i in *bam.stats.txt; do echo ${i/.bam.stats.txt} $(cat ${i} | grep 'properly paired' | tr '(' '\t' | tr '%' '\t' | cut -f2) done
Let's plot it, but before we will normalise percentage of mapped read pairs to account for the genetic distance of different subpopulations to the reference. For that, the percentage of properly mapped read-pairs is normalised by the average from the ratios in the same genetic cluster and references.
- The “relative averaged alignment” (RAA) is a normalised percentage of properly paired reads in a sample and reference that accounts for variation in sample quality (PCR duplications, DNA quality, etc) and differences in the genetic distance between varieties and the reference (reference bias). RAA was calculated by dividing the percentage of properly paired reads from a sample in a reference by a weight factor. The weight factor was obtained by averaging the ratios in each reference genome between the properly paired reads in the sample and variety cluster. RAA per chromosome was similarly calculated except for each chromosome's alignment statistics instead of the total genome.
#R AA <- read.csv("AA_align_stats.csv") BB <- read.csv("BB_align_stats.csv") SS <- read.csv("SS_align_stats.csv") tog <- bind_cols(ID=AA$sample, "AA" = AA$pp_mapped, "BB" = BB$pp_mapped, "SS" = SS$pp_mapped, group=AA$genetic_group) cavendish <- subset(tog,tog$group == "Cavendish") #1/NORMALISE #calculate the weight to normalise with by firstly normalising by referece=by column within the genomic group, then calculating the average of the references/columns cavendish$normAA <- cavendish$AA/mean(cavendish$AA) cavendish$normBB<- cavendish$BB/mean(cavendish$BB) cavendish$normSS <- cavendish$SS/mean(cavendish$SS) cavendish <- cavendish %>% mutate(nMean = rowMeans(select(., starts_with("norm")))) #normalise original sample values by the nMean for each sample/row cavendish$AAn <- cavendish$AA/cavendish$nMean cavendish$BBn <- cavendish$BB/cavendish$nMean cavendish$SSn <- cavendish$SS/cavendish$nMean #2/PLOT cav <- cavendish %>% select(ID,genetic_group,AAn,BBn,SSn) cav <- melt(cav) colnames(cav) <- c("ID","group","reference_genome","pp") ggplot(cav,aes(ID,pp)) + geom_line(col = "grey60") + geom_point(aes(colour=reference_genome)) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, size=10)) + xlab("") + ylab("normalised percentage of properly paired reads mapped") + scale_color_manual(values=c("dodgerblue","darkolivegreen","firebrick3","darkgoldenrod3"))