Publish multi-flavor android libraries with
This project demonstrates how to publish multi-flavor android libraries to jitpack.
The gist of it is using dcendents gradle plugin and understanding that jitpack calls "./gradlew install" if left to auto-config
- on master
- two library projects (matterlib and energylib) with flavors that gets published
- a demoapp that gets to use the libs
- on the single-lib branch
- just one library with flavors
- the demoapp
There's a difference in the way jitpack names the artifacts for single vs multiple library repositories.
If the project includes a single library, the repository name gets to be the artifactId, even if you specify otherwise.
To include a flavor as a dependency:
implementation "com.github.<USER>:<REPO>:<version>:<flavor-name>@aar"
If the library has a defaultPublishConfig
, there should be an artifact with the normal jitpack coordinates:
implementation "com.github.<USER>:<REPO>:<version>"
If the project produces multiple libraries, the coordinates change a little.
When working with a flavor of the library, include it like this:
implementation "com.github.<USER>.<REPO>:<library-module>:<version>:<flavor-name>@aar"
And if the library has a defaultPublishConfig
, there should be an artifact with the following coordinates:
implementation "com.github.<USER>.<REPO>:<library-module>:<version>"
jitpack is great for OSS.