Timesheet logger for lazy people
Allows you to timelog in bulk. When you're the king of procrasti-nation, there's really a lot of other / better things to do.
- Ruby (duh)
- Chrome
bundle install
and edit its content.
FRESHBOOK_URL = "https://fixme.freshbooks.com/"
- Copy
and edit its content.
CONFIG['holidays'] = []
# CONFIG['holidays'] << 'YYYY-MM-DD'
CONFIG['Mon'] = []
# CONFIG['Mon'] << ['Project', 'Task', 'Hours', 'Notes']
CONFIG['Tue'] = []
# CONFIG['Tue'] << ['Project', 'Task', 'Hours', 'Notes']
CONFIG['Wed'] = []
# CONFIG['Wed'] << ['Project', 'Task', 'Hours', 'Notes']
CONFIG['Thu'] = []
# CONFIG['Thu'] << ['Project', 'Task', 'Hours', 'Notes']
CONFIG['Fri'] = []
# CONFIG['Fri'] << ['Project', 'Task', 'Hours', 'Notes']
- Run the script
bundle exec ruby app.rb # Log today
DATE=2018-05-15 bundle exec ruby app.rb # Log specific date
FROM=2018-05-01 TO=2018-05-31 bundle exec ruby app.rb # When you procrastinate until the last minute
- Will only log on a day where there's no existing time logs. Comment out these lines if you wish to ignore :-
# app.rb
unless page.find('.timesheet-entry-table').has_content?('No hours logged on')
puts "Already Logged on #{date.strftime}!!"
This obviously only works if you have a pretty similar work schedule every day of week.
There's no UNDO button. Make sure you know what you're doing.
Things will break when the UI changes.
You'll get your login will temporarily blocked if you fire the script too many frequently.
Contributions are welcomed.
Because why use a scalpel when you have a chainsaw >:)
If you can't handle the action & excitement, check out the oauth
branch. But seriously, you're missing all the fun.
This project is Licensed under GLWTPL