Diffusion models have emerged as the de-facto generative model for image synthesis, yet they entail significant training overhead, hindering the technique’s broader adoption in the research community. We observe that these models are commonly trained to learn all fine-grained visual information from scratch, thus motivating our investigation on its necessity. In this work, we show that it suffices to set up pretraining stage to initialize a diffusion model by encouraging it to learn some primer distribution of the unknown real image distribution. Then the pre-trained model can be fine-tuned for specific generation tasks efficiently. To approximate the primer distribution, our approach centers on masking a high proportion (e.g., up to 90%) of an input image and employing masked denoising score matching to denoise visible areas. Utilizing the learned primer distribution in subsequent fine-tuning, we efficiently train a ViT-based diffusion model on CelebA-HQ 256 × 256 in the raw pixel space, achieving superior training acceleration compared to denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) counterpart and a new FID score record of 6.73 for ViT-based diffusion models. Moreover, our masked pre-training technique can be universally applied to various diffusion models that directly generate images in the pixel space, aiding in the learning of pre-trained models with superior generalizability. For instance, a diffusion model pre-trained on VGGFace2 attains a 46% quality improvement through fine-tuning on only 10% data from a different dataset. Our code will be made publicly available.
For a more intuitive introduction of our method, you could refer to our paper for more details of our method.
As our current project is still a work in progress, we plan to gradually present more analysis and details on our method in the near future.
- Submit Appendix of our paper
- Analysis on high-resolution images (e.g. 256x256, 512x512) images without using DWT in raw pixel space. we observed some interesting phenomenons that are different from current results on CelebA 64x64
- Experiments on natural Datasets other than human face: e.g., CIFAR10, LSUN, ImageNet.
- Experiments on applying our method to score-based models (e.g., beyond the DDPM framework): NCSM, etc
- [] Experiments that analyze masked score matching in latent space
- More...
- In unconditional image synthesis experiment, the reported time expense of baseline model is inaccurate and is expeceted to be larger
We trained the baseline model for 940k steps which took 120 hours on 8 V100s, ~1.3 hour per 10k steps. However, we reported 32 V100-days as the time expense of baseline model in our v1.0 paper, which is smaller than the actual value. The correct time expense is ~38 V100-day. As for our method, the reported values are double-checked and found to be precise.
- For the usage of
library, please refer to the official documentation.
We also released a docker image.
# python command
# using mask or not is specified in the config file
# you can specify more command-line arguments as detailed in our code
# add the flag --debug prevents from logging online to Wandb
accelerate launch --num_processes 2 --gpu_ids 0,1 --mixed_precision fp16 main.py --name celebahq_base0 --config configs/celebahq_base.yml --training_steps 200000 --pretrained_model_ckpt /path/to/pretrained weights --debug
accelerate launch --num_processes 2 --gpu_ids 0,1 --mixed_precision fp16 main.py --name celeba_small0 --config configs/ablation/pretrain/block2/celeba_10p.yml --training_steps 200000 --debug
To sample from a model, either trained by MSM or DSM, use the following command:
accelerate launch eval.py --name temp --config /path/to/config/file.yml --bs 64 --num_samples 10000 --ckpt /path/to/ckpt1.pt /path/to/ckpt2.pt /path/to/ckpt3.pt --output /path/to/save/samples/for/ckpt1.pt /path/to/save/samples/for/ckpt2.pt /path/to/save/samples/for/ckpt3.pt
To compute FID score on generated images and the reference images which, under most circumstances, is the training set, use the following command:
cd tools
# run the following command in ./tools
python pytorch_fid --device cuda:0 /path/to/image/folder1 /path/to/image/folder2
# notice that the structure of the folder provided in the path should look like:
# - /path/to/image/folder1
# - image file1
# - image file2
# ...
This repository is heavily based on denoising-diffusion-pytorch by lucidrains. We also referred to repositories:
- U-ViT by baofff,
- pytorch-fid by mseitzer,
- stable-diffusion by CompVis,
- MAE-pytorch by pengzhiliang,
- dpm-solver by LuChengTHU,
Thanks for open sourcing.