I've been working on this shapefile python class since 2010. It allows for the easy reading, creation and updating of shapefiles using OGR.
OGR is a prerequisite:
from osgeo import ogr
import ogr
I extensively used the documentation from http://www.gis.usu.edu/~chrisg/python/2009/docs.html, especially http://www.gis.usu.edu/~chrisg/python/2009/docs/ogr.pdf
Simply save shapefile.py in your work folder and call:
from shapefile import shapefile
shpfile = "filename.shp"
shp = shapefile("read", shpfile)
for feat in shp.features: # shp.features is a simple python list with all the features loaded.
attr_dict = shp.attr_dict(feat)
# do something
{"FID": 1 , "NAME": "John"}
shpfile = "filename.shp"
inshp = shapefile("read", shpfile)
outshp = shapefile("write", shpfile[:-4] + "_new.shp", inshp.type, inshp.fieldslist, inshp.projection)
for feat in inshp.features:
attr_dict = inshp.attr_dict(feat)
# do something with feat or attr_dict
outshp.createfeat(feat, attr_dict)
Projections are internally saved as ESRI format strings:
shp.projection = ["ESRI", 'projection string']
But can be provided as:
projection = ["PROJ4", 'projection string']
projection = ["EPSG", number]
With new field:
shpfile = "filename.shp"
shp = shapefile("update", shpfile)
if not shp.fieldexist('NAME'):
shp.createfield(['NAME', 2, 10, 8])
for feat in shp.features:
shp.updatefield(feat, 'NAME', 1)
By deleting feature:
shpfile = "filename.shp"
shp = shapefile("update", shpfile)
for feat in shp.features:
if <some logic>:
Loop through all features with a certain field name value:
shp = shapefile("read", shpfile)
values = shp.fieldvaluelist('NAME', doubles=0) # default doubles=1
for value in values:
layer_select = shp.selectfeats('NAME', value)
for feat in layer_select:
# do something