~200-byte selector engine
$('body').contentEditable = true # get single node
$('h1', parent).textContent = 'Hai!' # get single node from parent
$$ 'a' # get list of nodes
$$ 'a', (a) -> a.dataset.foo = 'bar' # loop through list of nodes
$$ 'p', parent, (child) -> child.classList.add 'hidden' # loop through list of nodes from parent
var $ = function(s, ctx) { var n = ctx || document; return n.querySelector.call(n, s) };
var $$ = function(s, ctx, f) { if (undefined == f) f = ctx; var n = ctx || document; return Array.prototype.forEach.call(n.querySelectorAll.call(n, s), f) };
How is this better than jQuery?
jQuery is amazing piece of software but adds tens of kilobytes of code for stuff already included in modern browsers.