Reading / writing Fit files in Rust. (Prototype)
It uses env_logger:
Uses RUST_LOG to set the logging level.
RUST_LOG=debug exec
The FIT spec defines messages in an Excel spreadsheet. To convert fields to JSON the following formala may be useful: here for row 5 from the messages sheet..
""field_name"": """&C5&""",""field_type"":"""&D5&"""" &
IF(ISBLANK(G5),"",",""scale"":" & G5) &
IF(ISBLANK(H5),"",",""offset"":" & H5) &
IF(ISBLANK(I5),"",",""units"":""" & I5 &"""") &
IF(ISBLANK(E5),"",",""array"":true") & "},"
Additional undocumented fields may be found in the fit4ruby project: