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Plasim-LSG TNG

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@jhardenberg jhardenberg released this 21 Sep 14:15
· 30 commits to master since this release

This version of the Planet Simulator model contains recent improvements compared to the original Plasim code , currently frozen at v17.

  • Tuning as described in Angeloni et al. submitted to GMD.
  • srv2nc: A complete postprocessor to transform Plasim output to compressed netcdf4 format (no afterburner is needed), based on cdo. It converts both Plasim and LSG outputs.
  • headless most.x (without X11): Specifying the option "-c" to most.x, a text configuration file can be read. By default "most_last_used.cfg" is used, unless a file is specified.
  • Small fixes and improvements (see the commit history - further documentation is in preparation)
  • devel_planets branch in which several changes for exoplanetary studies are being implemented.