Produce a list of the most frequent interesting words, along with a summary table showing where those words appear (sentences and documents).
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
A Python program that uses TF-IDF to determine the importance of a word in a corpus of similar documents. Output is provided in JSON and HTML format.
Sample commands:
python -o index.html # Open index.html in browser to view output
python [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-i INPUT_DIR] [-j JSON_OUT_FILE] [-o HTML_OUT_FILE] [-p]
-h, --help Show contencts of README and exit.
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config_file CONFIG_FILE YAML configuration file. Default: keywords.yaml
-i INPUT_DIR, --input_dir INPUT_DIR Corpus document directory. Default: 'test doc'
-j JSON_OUT_FILE, --json_out_file JSON_OUT_FILE JSON output file name. Default: keywords_out.json
-o HTML_OUT_FILE, --html_out_file HTML_OUT_FILE HTML output file name. Default: index.html
-p, --print_summary Print summary information.
The configuration file keywords.yaml may be used to adjust various input parameters in the program. For example, by default the program considers a minimum of 25 corpus-wide important words to consider, but this may be changed uisng the 'corpusKeyWordCount' configuration.
Comments in the keywords.yaml provides information about the purpose of each input parameter.